Katsuki P.O.V
The whole room was tense, waiting for the news, of there dear friend, Toderoki. Dammit!!! I always hated, icy hot, due to my, competitive nature, as I saw him, as a true rival. But I never would've wanted him to be seriously...injured. Obviously, I would never tell this to his face... "tsk" I muttered. When he walks in, or gets better, I'll yell at him for making me worry about him... So he doesn't do it again. I think quietly, to myself...(Why are tsunderes, just❤️ SO CUTE!!!😓 sorry, I felt like, I had to say something.)Finally, after what, felt like, an eternity of waiting. Aizawa, finally grace's us, with his presence. All the desperate and worried eyes, clung to Aizawa, like a life-force. Those, who were originally pacing, back-and-forth, stilled, immediately, with his presence, entering the room. Everyone acted, as if, what he was about to say, would change there life, forever. Not that, there wrong, I guess... Aizawa, takes a deep breath, and speaks. Worry clutched my heart, a little too heavily, to deny it. As I waited patiently (😱 Katsuki! being patient? The world going, to die!😂) for Aizawa to start talking. " As, you all know, Toderoki, has been hit, by an unknown quirk, due to the recent villain attack." He takes another deep breath and carry's on, making everyone worry. The uncomfortable, suspense, hung in the air, Thickly. Leaving no room, for breath. " As I can see everyone is worried, I would like to inform you, that he is, indeed, okay." Well, why didn't he start with that!!! I think, irked and relieved, that I can finally breathe, again. By the looks of it, everyone else, felt the same way. Confusion etched our faces, as he carry's on speaking. What more, was there to say? Aizawa, was a man, that didn't speak, unless he had to. Infuriatingly, so. Meaning, unless he was annoyed, or what he was about to say, was important. He would much rather us, find out the hard way. "Just one more thing to mention, before I let him in. That unknown quirk, turned Toderoki into a child, of about, if I had to guess, five years old." That brought a shock, to everyone in the room. Icy hot's a... little brat? I think to myself, still, a little dazed, from the scenario. Mina was the one, that caught my attention and brought me back to reality. I'm the future number one hero, I can handle a little kid. I think to myself. " SO CUTE!!! Show me him, now!!!" She squeals excitedly. Momo starts talking next " Due to his personality, he is, not that open about himself, or his childhood. Maybe, we can use this chance to, learn more about him. As people, are often more open, as children." "If that, icy hot statue, doesn't want to talk about his life and what not. He doesn't have to tell you shit. Got that!" I know, I spoke harshly, as they were only, curious. But it annoyed me, as I felt, they were trying to pry, into his privacy. It's not their business, to poke their nose, in places, it shouldn't be long. It felt like, they were trying to, take advantage, of a child's, innocence. If he doesn't wanna talk about that shit, he doesn't have two. Nothing is wrong, with that. I'm like that, too. Maybe, not as intense, but still, the same. I might hate him, but at least I have some form of courtesy, (courtesy?😧😮 Katsuki, are we talking about the same person? Here? 😂 Coming from the guy that swears a lot and kicks down doors.🤭😆 A lot of courtesy! Totally! ) not to pry, about stuff, he so obviously, doesn't want to talk about. After, every one calmed down. He then, let Toderoki in. Snowball ( Katsuki mind: Shoto, is now small and white. Snow balls, are small and white. The same thing!) jumped at the sudden swing of the door and I swear, I saw him flinch? Maybe he was just surprised.
Shoto P.O.V
A grey scarfed mister, swung the door open, so fast. Without warning. It reminded me of how, farther always, barged into rooms, and often dragged me, to the training hall, for some training.( 'Training' *cough* Abuse! *cough* bastard! *cough* ) I flinched at the sudden movement. Then quickly, regretted it. I have to get rid, of this weird habit, of mine. I don't even know, how it started. But endeavour always, got mad, seeing me, react like this, and says it's a sign of weakness and just beat me more. I was often, on the floor, throwing up, because I couldn't control my reactions. I quickly learned, that covering your face, won't do anything. In fact it made everything worse, so I put my best effort in, controlling my instinct, to guard. I also put effort, into hiding my emotions, as crying was seen as, a sign of weakness. But even when I was, happy and smiling, for once. He always seemed mad. Then I realised, wether, it was happy or sad, he didn't like it. The only expression, he didn't mind, is one of calm. But if I looked, too calm, during training, he would think that, I wasn't trying hard enough. So there was no pleasing him, really...In short, I made an effort to show, I wasn't in pain, scared or...anything? Really. I slowly walk in, with my best attempt, of a blank expression. I was always, really nervous, when it came to meeting, new people, as it was very rare, for me, to come in contact, with anyone other, than my father. Even my siblings, were more of, strangers, than acquaintances. It was so bad, that, I'm lucky, to even know, I have siblings...I heard these guys, were hero's in training. So, if there anything like my father, I have to be, extremely, careful, with what I say and do, so as, to not, upset them. My father, might even be ...nice? (No! Kid! Your farther is not, the definition of nice, more like, abuse.) For all I know, as my contact, with the outside world, is extremely, limited, if they're, at all. I might, have it wrong, and these people, may be...even worse...I swallow some saliva...I hope not. If so, I don't want to be here. At home, I knew the dangers. I knew what, made Endeaver mad, as he always, expressed, his feelings, clearly. Through painful methods? Maybe? But still, clearly. He wasn't one, to beat, around the bush. But here? The unknown, potentially danger, is striking, terror, in me. Panic, pulsed through my veins, as my heart, wound, tight. What if I make a mistake?!? What if I say something, they don't like, without realising it?!? What if I do, something stupid?!? I always do some thing stupid!!! Or what if I, unintentionally, expressed my feelings?!? What do I do?!? I feel my breath, became rough, and sharp, as tears drip, like heavy rainfall, pouring out my eyes...NO!!!...There...going to hit me!!! Panic attacks! Are for weaklings. Father said so! So he must be right! Why am I, so weak? Why can't I, just take, a little pressure. Meeting some, new people, wasn't a big deal. It wasn't something, to panic about. Me and my stupid, habits?!? Why can't I, just get, over it?!? Why do I have to be, so emotional and pathetic. He told me clearly, not to express, my feelings. I understood that. I understood, what he was saying...So why?...was it, so hard, to comply? It wasn't like, he said, I couldn't have feelings. Just that, I can't let it, hinder me, or express it. It was just a simple order. Even someone, as stupid as me, can understand...so...why? Why, am I, like this?...why?...why?...why?...it was something, I often thought, 'why' was a word, that often, ran through, my head. It was not unusual, for me to think, like this, at night. Having all these questions, stuck in my head, never to be expressed. Suffocating me slowly, as my sleep, danced, with dark memories and fire. Recurring in my head, like a broken tape. Never ending questions, never ending pain, never ending nightmares, never ending hell...I think, I blacked out, after that, as I woke up on the couch. A couple of hours later...
❤️Shoto oneshots ❤️
FanfictionExactly as the title says. May contain some ships. I do not own my hero Academy, so please don't sue me!