Meeting the new Wolves

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"Sweetie get up time for school" my mom said from downstairs. I shot awake instantly get out if bed. "I'm awake" I said. "Sure you are considering your still in your pajamas" my dad said standing in my doorway. "Hey my alarm didn't go off" I said back. "Hey your going to use that excuse again" he said. "Seriously it didn't" I said going through my closet. "Shoo dad gotta get dressed" I said. "Do you wanna drive or do you want me to drive" he asked. "Dad I'll drive now get out before I get mom on you" I said and he ran out of my doorway. I laughed then I slipped on my dress and flats. Brushed my teeth. I have a bathroom in my room. Did my make-up then slipped on some braclets. I grabbed my purse and walked out of my room. "Mom dad I'm leaving" I said. "Are you sure you want to go today because if-" "Mom I want to go today if I didn't I would've stayed in bed" I said quickly running into the kitchen grabbing a water and pop-tart. Gotta love'em. Grabbed my car keys and house keys and walked out the door. I walked up to my car a mustang GT that is a sparkly blue and got in. I drove to school parking next to a car that was just as fancy as mine. A girl got out with red hair. "Is this yours" she asked. "If it wasn't mine I wouldn't have gotten out of it" I said. She glared at me. "By the way love that dress" I said. "Thanks love yours too not too many people have fashion like us" she said. "Scarlett" I said. "Lydia" she said. "Shall we now go inside" I said. She nodded and I walked right beside her. My purse dropped out of my hands. "Seriously I just got this" I said. Lydia waited. "Go ahead" I said. She nodded and continued on. I went back to grab something from my car when a baby blue jeep pulled up. Two guys got out of it and I smelled another werewolf. I guess I'm not the only one. Then the one with two bands on his arm started sniffing the air and looked directly at me. I smirked and continued to my car. I listened in on their conversation.

"Dude there's another wolf here and she's right there" the one with two bands on his arm said. "Your kidding right we already have a problem with an alpha pack" the guy with a plaid shirt on said. "Stiles what if she is pack of the alpha pack" the first guy said. "Scott are you sure" Stiles said.

I decided to stop listening and wandered off into the school shortly finding the office. "Hello there" I said to the woman at the front desk. "May I help you young lady" she said. "In fact you can I'm new Scarlett Rose" I said. "Oh yes here you go" she said handing me my schedule. The two guys from this morning walked in. I'm starting to think their following me. "McCall can you please show Scarlett to her classroom" the lady said and he nodded. We three walked out of the office and into an empty classroom. Stiles blocked the door while Scott shifted already trying to rip me limb from limb. "Calm down little Wolfie" I said. "Why are you here" he asked. "Why do you want to know" I asked. "Are you working for Deucalion" he asked. "What the hell is a Deucalion" I said. "I'll take that as a no" he said. "Now why are you here" he asked. I used my magical powers to make Scott move back and Stiles away from the door. When I touched the knob and walked out I snapped my fingers so the my power stops.
I found my classroom shortly after that. "Ms. Rose your late I won't give you detention considering your new but consider this as a warning" Mr. Harris said. "Alrighty than sir" I said and took my seat. "Mr. McCall and Mr. Stilinski detention" he said and I smirked at them.

▶▶▶▶▶Skipping to Lunch◀◀◀◀◀◀◀

I put my stuff in my locker and walked into the cafeteria. I went in line to grab my stuff and I saw Stiles and Scott sitting there. Hey Lydia's also there. There was two other there I didn't know so. I sat next to Stiles. "Hey guys" I said. "Oh Allison this is Scarlett the one I was telling you about" Lydia said. I smiled and waved. "So whose the curly" I asked. He looked up at me and furrowed his eyebrows. I smirked. "Issac" he said. Stiles leaned in too close to my face. I put my hand up to stop him right there. "What are you doing your too close to the face" I said and Allison and Lydia laughed. "Oh see....nothing" he said scratching the back of his head. "Well imma go now" I said standing up. "No don't leave me here with these people" Lydia said. They all had a hurt expression. "Well why don't you just come with me" I said walking away. I threw my stuff away.

▶▶▶▶▶▶▶Last Bell Rings◀◀◀◀◀◀◀◀◀

I texted my mom telling her I'm going to be late and I'm not in any danger just studying with my new friend Lydia. She replied ok she was going to be late anyways. I was walking to my car when Scott called my name. "Scarlett" he said. "Yeah I thought you didn't like me" I said. "I never said I didn't like you I just a ride" he said. I nodded and started walking to my car when I got a text from my mom saying be careful and I replied always. Then started walking again. I opened my car door then opened all doors. "This is yours" he asked. "No dip Sherlock" I said and got in. We ended up and this loft. I got out as Scott followed suit. "Why are we here" I asked as he grabbed my arm then Stiles did. "What the hell are you doing" I screamed. Then we walked into the loft. "Derek we need help" Scott said. "Scarlett" Derek said. "Derek" I said. "What are you doing with her" he asked. "She is highly evil even through she isn't working with Deucalion" Stiles said. "I'm not evil I'm just special and something you don't want to mess with" I said. "That's what they all say" Stiles said. "Derek help me" I said. "I may have known you but I'm not helping you" he said. "Scarlett" a voice said then he came out of the shadows. "Peter please help me" I pleaded. He went to get these two idiots away from me but Derek stopped him. "Why are you doing this" I asked. They all said nothing. "If this is a fight you all want I recommend you stay away" I said. "Oh she wants to fight" Peter said going into wolf form then followed by Derek and Scott. I laughed. I let my eyes glow then let the dark mist flow freely from my hands. It blinds anyone or anything that is in the room or steps in the room. "I can't see not even with my sighting" Derek said. I ripped myself from their grips and flew up onto the ceiling. "I told not to mess with me" I said and grabbed a Chinese ring dagger and threw it right at Scott. My parents are hunters what can I say. It was laced with wolfbane somehow I'm immune to it. I can see through the mist because it doesn't effect me. "You want Scott to live then stop trying to kill me" I said. "Scott Scott are you ok" Stiles said. "No I just got stabbed with a dagger that was laced with wolfbane" Scott said. "Stop stop with the blindness" Stiles said. I snapped my fingers. The mist was gone and I flew down and sat on the couch. "What are you" Peter asked. I shrugged. "You might want to burn that out" I said pointing to Scott.

A.N- Ohhhh Scarlett just stabbed Scott with a dagger laced with wolfbane.

Any ideas of what she is????

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