1 [new discoveries]

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Dinah had always been drawn to her. Whenever she walked by her in the halls, Dinah would always watch her until she was out of sight. But, who could blame her? Everyone at West Seattle High seemed to be enchanted by the green eyed girl, Dinah included. She loved the leather jacket she always sported, and the way her black hair complimented her piercing green eyes. Her eyes always portrayed a cold, distant mood, making her seem unapproachable to the whole student body. In reality, though, no one knew very much about the infamous Lauren Jauregui.

The extent of Dinah's knowledge of her was what her best friend Camila told her. Camila was on the cheer squad with Normani, Lauren's best-and only-friend at WSH, and found out little bits and pieces of Lauren from her. Normani always just said that Lauren was misunderstood, that she was a really sweet girl if you just got to know her. This information only made Dinah more curious about the girl she's been crushing on since eighth grade.

Dinah was a pretty shy person, she would admit it. She didn't like approaching new people. She needed to have her partner in crime by her side to truly bring her out of her shell. I guess you could say that's why Camila was the perfect best friend for Dinah; she always brought out the best in her. But every time Camila suggested that Dinah just go and talk to Lauren, she would shake her head and dejectedly mutter, "It would never happen anyway."

One day, Dinah had been walking around the halls after school, waiting for Camila to get out of detention so they could walk home together. Camila had gotten caught with Normani in the janitor's closet, doing something they felt was more fun than going to class. When Dinah heard the reason for her after-school, she just rolled her eyes, but decided to comply to Camila's plea of her to stick around until she was out.

Dinah had been walking for quite some time when she heard an angry voice from around the next corner. She paused her stroll to listen as the yelling got more intense.

"This is the only safe place we have right now! I can't believe you would jeopardize that for some girl!" Dinah could make out what the husky voice was saying clearly now.

"She's not just some girl, Laur! She's my mate, I'm sure of it!" A different voice, one that sounded just like Normani's, yelled back.

"'Mate' or not, you still exposed yourself. How could you be so reckless, Mani? Do you think she'll tell?" The first voice, Laur, sounded almost desperate now.

Dinah had a million questions spinning around in her head. Why was 'Laur' so angry? Why was this their only safe place? Who was Mani's ma-

"Achoo!" Dinah sneezed. Damn allergies.

"What was that?" Laur asked.

"I think it came from this way," Mani said, and Dinah heard steps coming slowly towards her, picking up speed gradually.

"Shit," Dinah muttered, quickly turning on her heels and sprinting in the opposite direction of the foot steps.

"There!" She heard a shout from the other end of the hall.

Dinah didn't dare look back. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she knew if she glanced over her shoulder she would only slow herself down.

Suddenly she was slammed against the lockers she had been speeding by. Dinah squeezed her eyes closed as the lock dug into her back. She could've sworn she had had at least a 20 foot lead on them. How did they catch up so fast?

"How'd you catc-" Dinah was cut off by a cold hand placed over mouth.

Dinah snapped her eyes open to be met by the bright green eyes she'd become so familiar with over the years; 'they are so much more beautiful up close.' she thought.

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