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Ohm and Nanon both shifted to their new apartment now they both are living together bickering and fighting with each other like a Old Couple is now became their daily routine. They always try to dominate each other whenever they make love.

Nanon is preparing breakfast for his to be husband who is now taking a shower. They divided their house work equally and always makes breakfast, doing dishes and laundries for each other.

"Ohm come fast breakfast is ready baby" Nanon shouted from Kitchen he is done preparing breakfast.

"Jeez how can you forgot to bring a towel" Nanon said whining he takes off his apron and quickly wash his hands on sink and went towards their bedroom.

"Where are you give me the towel" Ohm shouted again being impatient.
"Don't shout you moron take this" Nanon said while being pissed he quickly took out the towel from closet drawer and he knocked the bathroom door twice.

Ohm quickly open the door but instead of taking towel from his hands he grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside.
"What the hell are you doing now....I already showered in morning LEAVE" Nanon yelled at him while trying to free himself.

"Not my fault that you already showered but I want to take shower with you now" Ohm said with a smirk while grabbing his waist tightly pressing their bodies together.

Nanon - *NO DON'T YOU DARE TO STRIP ME YOU NAKED MAN.... I WILL KILL YOU* ( while screaming)

OHM - *Oh come on stop screaming* (while striping Nanon)

Kirdapan's Mansion

"Dad they escaped from prison two weeks ago" Milk said running towards her Dad while panting she got a call from her informer.
"Shit that bloody bastard's.... they will definitely go after him and inform him about danger"Khun said clenching his fist tightly while gritting his teeth fuming in anger.

"Dad I tried but he is not answering...I also tried to call Ohm he also not answering I think we should go to their place" Milk said while panicking they both rushed towards their apartment.


Nanon was going to meet his family. He was on his way to his house but suddenly he noticed that someone was laying on road unconscious. So stopped his car and approached that person. He was checking the person who was laying on his stomach if he was dead or alive. When he turned that person face towards him he got shocked.

"Missed me little one" said the mysterious person with evil grin.

"YOU" Nanon shouted but suddenly from behind someone hit his head with iron rod hardly. His vision start getting blurry blood start flowing from his head and he fell on road with a loud thud.... He was laying on road unconscious.

"Put him inside the car and take him to our place" said the same person who was intentionally laying on the road with evil grin.


Ohm was preparing for his tommorow lecture so he didn't notice that someone was calling him..... Half an hour later he heard his door bell was ringing continuously. He quickly left his work and walked towards his door. When he opened the door he got shocked to see Khun and Milk both were standing there with scared faces.

"Ohm where is Nanon" They both asked in unison.
"What? He told me that he is going to meet you guys.....he already left" Ohm said confused.
"SHIT....IT CAN'T BE.....Ohm listen to me carefully we will tell you the whole story on our way but now we have to save Nanon he is in danger" Khun said while panicking his heart was aching.

"Dad I found his location by the help of the tracker on his pendent which you gifted him on his birthday" Milk said while showing them Nanon's current location.

"It's a abandoned warehouse which was located on a hill station..... Milk inform the cops we are leaving right now.... come on guys let's move fast" Khun said while running towards his car. Ohm and Milk tailing him from behind.....Ohm was still confused his heart beating fast his whole body is shaking from fear the thought of losing Nanon is making him go insane.

"Now tell me Milk who kidnapped my Nanon" Ohm asked in seriously tone. They all were going towards the location.

"Ohm.... Nanon is not a bully he himself a victim of bullying.....he was so naive before he bear so much in his school life.....his circumstances made to change" Milk said while tearing up. Taking about her brother's horrible past she still got goosebumps.

"WHAT? Then why he always try to bully college students and his teachers" Ohm asked confused.

"Because they all were connected Ohm.... They the same teachers' who always ignored his painful screams for help.....and the same students who used to laugh at his miseries" Milk said while clenching her fist controlling her emotions which was going to erupt soon.

"W-What" Ohm said while ignoring the lump forming in his throat eyes filled with tears. He doesn't had any clue that a arrogant and Savage personalty boy had gone through a lot in his past.

"Lin always wanted her to children's to value what they had and others don't have.....she always teach them to be gentle and humble with others. Nanon always respected her mother's decision so he also accepted when Lin decided to send him to a normal school. And you know the worst part Ohm..... when he needed us the most...we all were busy in our own life" Khun said being guilty he was in a verge of crying while driving his car fastly.

"And you know what....he didn't told us about that he was being bullied in school... because he knows us very well that after knowing the truth we will blame ourselves.....he didn't want that happen so he choose to remain silent and bear all the torture himself and suffer alone" Milk said with heavy heart while sobbing.

"Do remember that Canteen boy Sam....he was the one who betrayed Nanon when they used to be friends" Milk said while clenching her jaws tightly.

he was the one who betrayed Nanon when they used to be friends" Milk said while clenching her jaws tightly

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Age - 19
Used to be friends with Nanon, but he betrayed him.


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