Chapter 1

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I have no idea how long I've been staring at the ceiling. I would say about thirty minutes but it could be three hours. I've been staring at the blank white paint for so long, my vision is starting to blur. I haven't blinked in so long my eyes are on fire.

Outside, my family is preparing breakfast. A perfect breakfast for their perfect family. With my father, the successful doctor; the caring mother and my strait A sister. All getting ready for another perfect day in their boring perfect lives.

In their heads, their perfect daughter Rebecca is still asleep. In their minds I'm a good girl who follows their rules and who's nice and sweet with everyone. That's who I am for them. A perfect daughter who causes no problems whatsoever.

But I'm not that girl.

I can't actually blame them for not knowing me. U can't know someone if they don't let you. But I know that if I show them the real me, they won't accept me. They'll try to change me or blame someone else, saying that they are bad influence on me. They would try to get their 'perfect daughter' back.

My sister's annoying laugh resonates in my ears. My father is talking about his work and my mother making small comments from time to time. It's another usual morning.

I don't know how they don't get bored of always doing the same thing. Waking up to the same day. They do the same thing, eat pretty much the same food and dress the same each day only to repeat the next.

I don't know how many minutes or hours pass before the voices faid away. Once I block out the voices of my annoyingly perfect family, I close my eyes. I don't know the time but I have the feeling that my mother's going to come wake me up soon. Once she considers that it's too late for her perfect daughter to still be asleep.

Because even tho I'm my family's 'perfect little good girl' I'm still the fuck-up. I'm nothing compared to my athletic, strait A sister.

My phone vibrates on my bedside table and I take a few minutes to think if I should check it or not. If it's Becky I want to read it. If it's anyone else, not worth my time.

Let's see... yesterday was Saturday and I know for a fact that there was a party last night. And if there was a party there's a 99% chance Becky was there. And if she was then I know for a fact she's drunk and with a hangover. So there ain't no way in hell she's awake right now.

A few minutes later, my mother comes to wake me up. She calls my name and tells me to get out of bed. I groan and open the door. The light blinds me but I force my feet to carry me to the table. My father has already placed a plate filled with eggs and beacon. I eat it slowly, ignoring my mother's boring music. It takes everything in me not to turn it off.

After eating, I grab some clothes from my room and head for the shower. I stay under the hot water with my eyes closed until the water is no longer warm. I blow dry my hair and get dressed quickly. Dark ripped jeans, plain black T-shirt and my usual necklace. I take a deep breath staring at my self in the bathroom mirror.

"I'm going out." I yell when I get out of the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" My mother asks me as I kiss her cheek.

"Becky's" I answer before closing the front door behind me.

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