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Ruby's diary
            Once upon a time there was a beautiful baby girl born from a beautiful married couple. Out of their love they created not one but two. They were happy, life felt normal though it wasn't. A father alpha werewolf, he loved to bring his people together and let them run in the woods to smell the fresh crispy air of the cold dark night. Their glowing eyes visualizing the world as a safe heaven even though it wasn't. Then her beautiful mother a witch that taught her how to grow flowers with her mind and let her chase the butterflies in the forest. They taught their children values, how to love and protect the things they love most. They even taught her the most important lessons of life no matter how different you are from the ones you love don't change them to fit others choices, she was always different. Unlike the pack and unlike her mother and brother she was a  being of two different species but they taught her how to appreciate and love herself for the way she is. That small girl grew up without the two people that loved her but she still held on that small lesson and that one lesson they repeated continuously.

"The road to redemption won't be easy." "Dean, I think killing the very monster destroying the world is part of our redemption." Ruby coldly answers repacking her book bag with subjects she had for the day. "I got to get to school. Notify me when you decide who dies next." The raven states walking out of the kitchen leaving her two siblings still in robes. "Well she is beginning to scare me." Mick states chewing on his brown crunchy toast. "She is beginning to sound like my dad during vampire hunts." "I left two chocolate bars in our snack cabinet. Did you eat them?" "Straight up accuse the one in the room." Scoffs Dean standing from his seat watching the annoyed brunette pick close the snack cabinets."Straight up answer the question then."demands Mick walking UpTo his brother. "Ruby took them right before you walked in." "Why ... It's one of them days." "What day?" "Stupid your should pay attention to your sister's health I'll go check on the accounts of the week. I need to create a spreadsheet for tomorrow's monthly report." He walks away leaving the blonde in confusion.

Archery club.
Ruby stands in front of the target and shoots hitting the bulls eye for the second time since she started. The other students in the club eyes could not help but land on the dark haired no and it's not because of her mermaid facial features it's because of the two 10 pointers she just kapowed on their targets. And Reagan claimed she was a starter. Beginner with that much beginners luck noooo "Making a ten again, are you sure you are as green as you claim?" That annoying voice that literally bugs her echoes in the room growing closer and closer to her. "Why are you here?" She questions aiming another arrow for a close eight. "Am taking care of my cousin-in-law." "What cousin-in-law?" Inquires Ruby as she pretends to look around knowing very well there is no one else in the room the boy was much interested in despite the fawning girls in the room looking away each time his gaze falls upon them. "I've seen you making moves trying to lure my kind-hearted cousin in your never ending trap. The question is why him?" He whispers direct into her ear a bit sexually than she expected making the female turn her head to the right. How annoying, Ruby sarcastically laughs as she approaches the silver head and once in front of him her aura changes, completely different. A very scary aura. One that intimidates even Derrick himself . She stands there with an icy stare quiet like the room. No movement as she studies the boy. "Why are you...what are you..." Derrick stutters finding the girl's moves bizarre as she pulls him by his tie letting her lips land on the side of his ear. "You talk too much. You use a lot of time studying me and making threats, that you never fulfill BTW. I find it funny." Once done she lets go of his shirt turning away taking an aim towards the target. The staring group of club members get startled by the loud bell reminding them it's time to go home.

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