I was climbing up the ladder to get to my loft bed, and saw the most horrid sight! A big, ugly crane fly was just sitting on my pillow like it owned the place. When I saw it, I sort of gasped a little. Mustering up all the courage that I could, I grabbed a fly swatter and slapped the face off that foul creature. Feeling very content with myself, I served myself a celebratory bowl of ice cream! I was super happy, until I saw YET ANOTHER crane fly, this time, in the kitchen. I was totally ticked at this point and so DONE dealing with those tiny, ugly, winged beasts. So with all my anger going into that fly swatter, I slayed that pesky @$$%^|#. Then, I served myself another celebratory bowl of ice cream. I texted my friend Kate, who had just got done boxing a badger, my friend India who just got done slaying the Jabberwaki (Alice was out of town), my friend Michael, who had just finished fighting off ninjas, and my friend Lolo, who had just fired a harpoon at the beast of Breckenrioden. We all agreed that I did the best work, killing two crane flies and all. So, I served myself one last celebratory bowl of ice cream. Then I got diabetes.