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It doesn't matter how strong someone is, everyone's heart is still fragile"
-Bridgett Devoue-

"Let me- Let me out- please, let me out" Natalie begs as she kicks the wooden door in front of her, but it doesn't even budge

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"Let me- Let me out- please, let me out" Natalie begs as she kicks the wooden door in front of her, but it doesn't even budge. Suddenly, another sword quickly pierces through the box, catching Natalie off guard and causing her to move to the side, only to have her upper arm more expose which causes the sword to slice the side of her arm, and rip the material of her arm sleeve.

Natalie holds onto her arm where the scar still leaves a mark on her skin and looks out the window as Rossi arrives at the recent motel murder in Seattle, Washington. "Hey, we're here" Rossi states, taking the keys out of the ignition before he exits his side of the vehicle.

Natalie shakes the horrid thoughts out of her head before exiting the car and showing her badge to the two officers guarding the yellow caution tape that's blocking off the entrance to the upper level of the motel where there has been a murder.

The officers let them through and Natalie slips her badge back into her pocket before she and Rossi make their way up the steps of the upper level. "What do you think these detectives will say this case is?" Rossi asks, making Natalie scoffs jokingly, "An OD- definitely not a murder, too much paperwork. I would know because I did the same thing sometimes" Natalie says softly before her and Rossi quietly approach the crime scene, instantly smelling meth that was being cooked up in the room.

They overhear the detectives talking and give it a minute before the enter. "Wow, this is new, but given the range of OCD behaviors of your average meth addict/manufacturer. This isn't the craziest" One of the detectives announces as he walks towards the dead body, kneeling to get a better look. "This junkie OD'd on his own supply. Case closed" The detective states and Natalie narrows her eyes at Rossi before both enter the room.

"Actually... this is a murder" Natalie answers as the detective rises to his feet, looking her and Rossi up and down. "Who the hell are you?" The detective asks and Rossi introduces them as Federal Agents, which grabs both of the detectives attention, knowing that there whole conversation was heard.

"Your captain might've told you we were coming by" Rossi says as he pulls out his cellphone. "He might have. Isn't there supposed to be a whole team of you?" The detective wonders and Natalie sighs, "Yes, but we're a little short handed right now" Natalie answers as Rossi holds up a photo and compares it to the fresh dead body in front of him.

"What's that?" The other detective who has kept quiet the entire time wonders. "That's our unknown subjects first kill from two days ago in Albany, New York" Natalie answers as the detective realizes it's the same face paint and this is no coincidence.

Natalie and Rossi head out into the hallway, the two detectives following after them. Soon, they meet up with Maya and Derek in the hallway as they are looking for any evidence outside the room where the murder happened.

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