You may Have been Going through hard times But Don't Stop Believing In the Lord He brought you to Those times to also bring greater Joy, You will see His works Shine Brightly in your life! Don't believe the lie that This will never end or That, he doesn't love you because of Your Mistakes.. Because That isn't true He died For you So that All the sin and pain Would Be washed away so you can live a life with Jesus christ. God can open doors That Enemy Won't Be able to Shut If you have faith in God you will be Protected in his presence. It may seem hard To You Because the world Made it Seem Like a whole bunch of Rules To follow.. but you need a reminder You aren't forced to Worhsip Jesus it's a wise choice That us humans need to make And if we don't worship no we won't die nothing will happen to us but we will Feel Empty and Sad that's all we will feel. Worshiping God is the only happiness that you can get And should be the reason for your happiness whatsoever. Oh and never forgot Be bold About your faith!
His Love is Priceless You'll see 👀.
Spiritualthis is a Book To remind you Even though your suffering seems lasting, It will be Over Soon, Greater Things Are going to happen you just need to Have faith.