Cursed Movie Night

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Yuji was woken up in the middle of the night by a ringing of a phone.

His eyes opened sleepily, who could be calling him in the middle of the night?

He reached his hand for his drawer and shakily picked up his phone.

Without looking at the name of the person calling him, he tapped the answer button.

He put the phone to his ear."Hello?"

"Yuji, we miss you!"

Yuji quickly sat up in his bed, all the sleep gone."Sasaki! Iguchi!"

"What are you calling me for in the middle of the night?"He asked.

"It just, ever since you got transferred to that new school, we haven't being seeing much of you and we decided to call."Sasaki replied with nervousness.

"Oh,"Yuji said."Sorry about that I would try to call you more often."

"Yuji wait!"

Yuji pulsed in dropping the call.

"It just, I got tickets for you and Iguchi and me to go to the movies."Sasaki said hesitantly.

Yuji smiled."Is that what this call is for?"

Sasaki nodded."Hm."

Yuji laughed."I love to go to the movies!"

Yuji laid back down."So when do you want to meet?"

"Maybe five?"Sasaki suggested.

"Five it is."Yuji agreed.

"Can I talk to Iguchi-senpai?"Yuji asked before Sasaki could drop the call.


The was silent.

"Itadori!"Iguchi's voice rang out.

"Iguchi-senpai, it been a while, how's things!"Yuji said with joy.

"Everything's been fine but we kind of miss you."Iguchi said.

"Don't worry, we would be meeting tomorrow, Sasaki got us tickets to the movies!"Yuji said.

"Nice!"Iguchi replied.

"Yeah, but I have to go now, I am kind away of sleepy,"Yuji said."See you guys tomorrow!"

"Bye Itadori!"Iguchi and Sasaki yelled before the line went dead.

Yuji dropped his phone on his drawer, this is so cool, I am meeting with Sasaki and Iguchi tomorrow!

His face turned into the one of question.

But would Gojo-senei let me see them?

The Next Day


Yuji stood in a casual hoody and jeans, he couldn't believe it, Gojo-senei had actually let him out, he still remembered how the conversation went.

"Yeah, just don't let Sukuna out."Gojo said.

Right, all he had to do was not let Sukuna out.


He heard someone call.

He looked up to see Iguchi and Sasaki running up to him.

He smiled."Iguchi-senpai, Sasaki!"

"Itadori!"They cried out as they hugged him.

"Hey, it okay guys,"Yuji laughed as he patted their backs.

Iguchi and Sasaki let go off him.

"So, what was the movie you got tickets for?"Yuji asked.

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