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Y/N was about to close her eyes when she thought of something. She opened her new temporary phone and looked at the screen. She wanted to see if Jungkook betrayed her or not.

But on the other hand, it wasn't about betrayal. Cause he is free to do whatever he wants to do in his life or with his life. She is no one to judge him. It wouldn't have affected her this much if she didn't hear Jung Hyun talking to Hyejin about how disappointed he and the other members were after seeing what Jungkook did.

Yet it also made her sad that her twin can't wait for her to wake up, while she tried to fight mentally to wake up earlier to reduce his mental and physical pain which he was suffering because of her. But now it only makes her sad.

'Today's news about Jeon Jungkook.'

She searched in the online newspaper only to see thousands of articles written about him. She stayed still as she started to read those articles. Not only one or two but a lot of them. She wanted to stop reading because she was convinced that he is dating her bully but she couldn't remove her hand from scrolling down.

Maybe it was the worst decision ever. Maybe She shouldn't have scrolled more because the next thing she saw made her heartbreak in so many pieces that no one, literally no one can fix this. Because to fix it, he/she needs all the pieces of her heart but many of them have been lost in a deep hole. Her heart felt empty after seeing the one article. It wasn't photoshopped. She knew it because it was a video...

Jeon Jungkook and Anna Stark's live video from his hotel room in Malaysia!!

Que: L.I.V.E

Kookie tell me one thing, how long do you know me?'

'For a long time...'

'And how long do you know Y/N? Not even a whole year right?' She asked.

Jungkook nodded his head.

'Then how can you believe her! How can you be sure that she is your blood, your twin?!'

'What do you mean Anna?'


'She what?!'

'Her face isn't the same! I mean, she didn't look what she looked like before! Maybe she did something to her face! She also isn't as innocent as she looks and makes you guys see!'


'You know me more than you know her.....D-do you not believe me?!' She cut him and said. Anna started to cry.

'K-kookie....don't you believe me?!' She said again as she closed their distance trying to kiss Jungkook..........
The video quality was bad. But she can recognize her twin as well as his voice too. This much she knew his face. Yet, he didn't know anything about her nor he tried. Surely Jung Hyun was the first one to know about everything because he tried. Not like Jungkook didn't do the same. Jungkook also took his sweet time to bond with his twin but because of his schedule, he couldn't get to know his twin as much as his older brother did.

Y/N's eyes were teary. She let a sob as she closed the website and threw the phone on the other side of her bed. She made a fist and punched her chest a few times so that she can breathe perfectly.

'W-why?' It was the last thing she said before she felt her eyes closing without her own will.....
'So, Dino and his 12 older hyungs are here finally!' Seungkwan said as he clapped.

Dino sighed at his hyung's silliness. He stood beside Woozi and Hoshi.

'Yeah, so tell us why you gather us here?' Jeonghan asked.

'Well, our manager texted me. The8-shi and Jun, you both are going to China today right?' S.coups asked.

'Yes, hyung.' The8 replied.

'Our manager texted that since you have to stay in your country for 1 week, the rest of us will leave for the Japan tour on the 6th day. You guys will be going to Japan from China straight.' S.coups said.

'Oh!' Dino sighed.

'I will miss you guys.' Dino continued.

'Hyung?' Hoshi suddenly talked making them look at him instantly.

'Yes?' S.coups asked.

'Can I leave for Japan tomorrow? Since I have finished all my work so I am free.' Hoshi replied.

'Wow! It is the first time in our history that someone has finished his works this soon!' Seungkwan said as he widened his eyes.

Hoshi rolled his eyes at his member.

'Fine but inform the managers first. Can you manage the ticket for Japan this soon?' Jeonghan asked.

'Yes. I can.'

'Well, take me with you too!' Dino pleaded.

'Don't you have work?' Vernon asked.

'I have! But it is so small! I can finish it over there. Besides Hoshi hyung will be bored right?'

Hoshi sighed as Dino finally succeed to convince him and the leader S.coups.


(You don't have to remember the members name aka the new characters that I have added in this chapter. You guys just have to remember Hoshi's part:) -Author)


'You know me more than you know her.....D-do you not believe me?!' She cut him and said. Anna started to cry.

'K-kookie....don't you believe me?!' She said again as she closed their distance trying to kiss Jungkook..........

Jungkook gulped as he looked at the girl in front of him. She started to close her eyes slowly as she leaned close. They only had a tiny space left between them.

This is it. Jungkook's patience has been tested enough.

'ENOUGH!' Jungkook screamed as he pushed her away harshly. Anna let out a scream as she felt him pushing her too hard making her fall onto the floor. Her butt touched the marble floor as she cried out.

'Jungkook!' She screamed.

Jungkook stood up.

'You......HOW CAN YOU BE SO FUCKING PATHETIC!!!! HOW THE FUCK YOU CAN BE SO CRUEL!!' Jungkook let out a scream.

'W-what do you mean?' She asked.

Jungkook kneeled as she crawled behind a little; afraid of his this side, his dark side. Jungkook smirked a little as his eyes were now red and teary.

'You think I don't know anything? You think I will fucking believe you rather than my fucking another half! How can you be so low? I knew about your little secrets long ago.' He said.........


(I am soooooooooosososososososo sorryyyyyy! I knew I told you guys that I will upload regularly but it is so new for me to write on my iPhone since I have been writing on my iPad for a long time. The screen is so small 😂 even though in the beginning, I used to write from my iPhone but it has been 1 year since my mom took my iPhone away. Now after my exams she has given me forever! Yay! Also since I have a YouTube channel, it is a little hard for me......

Also since I have been watching dramas a lot, I don't even see when the day comes and the night goes and then night comes and days go 😂)

T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now