Nice To Meet You

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Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel, or the characters.  Just the plot.

A/N: Hi!  This is my first published fanfiction on Wattpad, but not my first ever fanfiction.  You can find this story as well as others by me on  You can also find my profile!  On Wattpad, I'm marvelgirl615.  On ffnet, you can find me under fangirl743 :).  Hope y'all enjoy!


Peter walked into the Penthouse level of Stark Tower, not really paying attention to his surroundings. His mind was racing. He held a piece of paper in his hands, and his lips were pursed in frustration as he glared at said paper.

"No, no, listen," he said, "I need to add more silica gel. It's the only thing that makes sense."

He webbed his backpack to the wall a few feet away and slipped his shoes off and did a quick triple backflip and landed neatly on one of the stools at the kitchen bar a few yards away.

"No, that won't help," Ned's voice streamed through FRIDAY's speakers all around the room. "You need it to be stickier, right?"

"Well yeah," Peter agreed, tossing the paper onto the counter as he stood up and jumped with ease onto the other counter, where the cabinets were. "But I also need it to be stronger. I nearly fell off the top of the Empire State Building yesterday, and if May found out that my webs are malfunctioning, she'll freak out."

"We don't want that," Ned chuckled. "But in order to make the fluid stronger you need to make it stickier. Hence, the only solution, Elmer's glue."

Peter paused and looked up at the ceiling, forgetting about his food momentarily.

"Did you just-"

"Yes, I did," Ned interrupted.

Peter scowled playfully and resumed searching for food.

"I am not adding Elmer's glue to a bunch of possibly radioactive and explosive chemicals in our chem lab. That's a very, very bad idea that could lead to a very sticky situation."

There was a pause from Ned and Peter smirked as he grabbed the Oreos as well as a pack of gummy worms.

"You just used my Bruce Banner level idea to make a pun."

Peter laughed loudly at the offended tone Ned's voice carried.

"Sorry, dude," he said while laughing. "But your idea is not Bruce Banner level. Nothing is Bruce Banner level."

"I still don't understand why he's your favorite scientist," Ned groaned loudly. "I mean, you practically live with the Anthony Edward Stark."

Peter dropped his snacks on the table and glared up at the ceiling, where he imagined Ned's face would be.

"I don't live with Mr. Stark," he argued, "and clearly you have no respect for the greatest scientist in the history of the universe. Have you read his papers on gamma radiation?? And his articles about the human DNA and how it can be changed?? It's astounding. I mean, just think about it. Out of 7.9 billion people, I am one only two people whose DNA has been drastically altered without fatal side effects. His research has helped me figure out just how much of my DNA has been changed. I got the results last night after I did some tests."

"Really?" Ned seemed very interested as Peter opened the fridge and pulled out the chocolate milk and a can of whipped cream. "How much was changed?"

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