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There are many different types of beauty. There is external beauty, there is internal beauty, there is both, there is beauty that is not seen nor heard but rather felt. There is beauty within the walls of every home, every story, happy or sad. There is beauty that is truly beautiful and there is beauty that is tragically beautiful. And when the day seizes to continue and the night grasps its place there still is beauty remaining. In the way that when the sun leaves and how the moon slowly takes its place and how everything is gradual and the stars seem to make up for the suns absence. How the stars are like bits and pieces of the sun that the moon posesses because it cannot have the sun.
There is beauty in the days in the nights in the season changes in the worst disasters there is beauty. Devestatingly beautiful.
There is beauty in people. Although the beauty in people is a judgement flawed. There are several beautiful people, however there are only a handful of people who acknowledge the beauty around them rather then the beauty they posess themselves. Not that they have low self esteem or that they are arrogant, but that they understand the moons want for the sun and how it dies each night to let the sun shine. There are not many people who glorify that beauty rather than the artificial beauty in the tabloids.
Its an aquired thing I believe.
Whether or not you choose to see it, the beauty around you.
I was once told I am a dreamer. That I have high hopes in a bleak reality. That I see the best possible outcome, when most believe it is unlikely. But it's merely optimism I tell them. Having high hopes is something that although can break you down, can also build you up. Because what is a world if there is nothing to look forward to? What is a world that holds no hope? Its just living, not being alive.
And being alive is something I want to experiance.
I believe that I hold that type of beauty.
I am doubtful sometimes of my external beauty. But I know I posses it, I have had moments where I have felt truly beautiful. If it was only for a moment.
I believe I posses internal beauty more than any other form.
My beauty, I believe, has a few scars and an amout of damage. However my beauty is my heart, my soul. And what is beauty without a story to have earned it?
I prefer to keep my past hidden, but my future abroad.
I can compare it, my beauty with its scars, to a sidewalk.
My beauty is the dirt trapped beneth the cement below, however I have my moments where I come above, in between the cracks, and I can bloom.

You cannot live believing just because you are beneth something that is hard to get past you cannot breakthrough and become an unexpected beauty.
You must have optimism.
You must find the light, find the beauty, and grow in between the cracks.
Believe in the beauty around you, the beauty you see, and it will show.

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