chapter twenty five

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aeri's pov

after the movie ended, me and junhui decided to eat some ice creams since i was sulking at his prank and he said he'll treat me ice cream.

i sat on a table while jun ordered for us.


jeonghan's pov

today, me and minghao had to go to a mall cause we have to take some medicines stocks from the pharmacy inside there.

when we arrived, we were greeted by an old lady before she showed us the stock room and gave us the things that we have to bring.

"thank you." we both said and we bowed at her.

then, while walking, i saw a familiar figure from the distance.

"hey, isn't that aeri?" minghao pointed at an ice cream shop.

"who's that guy?" he added.

i clenched my teeth when i saw her laughing with that person.

"oh, it's jun. her bestfriend." i said.

"are you sure?"

"yes. i trust her, hao. she won't cheat, believe me." i said as i tried to stop myself looking at them before we both walked to the parking lot.

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