Chapter 1 - The start.

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Nikki Bella POV:

I'd wake up in bed and turn laying next to John, i'd kiss him on the cheek and then i'd get off the bed and get dressed for work. Then i'd not wake him up because I was going to the WWE Divas Tour in England from Wednesday to Sunday. The divas would not be booked on Smackdown so we had some free time to have the tour. Then i'd open the door and then call my sister Brie.

Conversation: B - Brie, N - Nikki

B: Hey, what do you want?

N: Your ready right, we gotta get to England soon.

B: Oh crap! I forgot.

N: *laughs* Well hurry up.

B: I'll wait for you to come over.

N: Alright, i'll be coming soon.

I'd hang up and leave my motel room and walk to Brie's motel room. I'd knock on the door and wait for her to open the door, instead of Brie opening the door Daniel opens the door with a neck brace on. "Hey, hows surgery going?" I'd ask him. "It's actually doing great, i'll be returning on Monday." he replied. "Thats great." I told him back, then I hugged him and I walked in and then Brie walked in from the room and she grabbed her luggage. "You ready?" I asked her, "Of course I am." she replied back. We'd leave the motel and she'd kiss Daniel and then leave and we'd walk down the steps and leave the motel and go to the car, then i'd drive to the airport and we'd sign up and do everything. We went on the plane and I sat in the chairs and went to sleep.


Brie Bella POV:

We'd finally get to England and I woke up Nikki and we grabbed our luggages and we left the plane and we'd walk down the steps with our luggages and then we'd walk to a close rental car place and we'd rent a car and Nikki would get in and I'd get in my car and we'd drive to the arena. I'd head to the arena and me and Nikki would meed up and we'd go to the backstage and we'd go to our lockers and then we started training and working out then a few hours passed and then it was main event time and we we're already in our clothes to fight Naomi, Tamina, and Natalya. Our partner would be Charolette from NXT. There was some rumors saying that she would be on the main roster after Unstoppable. We walked up to the guerilla and then our theme played and me and Nikki came out as the fans cheered and we tagged them and then we walked in, then we watched Charolette come back. *MID END OF THE MATCH* Charcolette would go for the Natural Ending to Natalya but she didnt have enough power to go for the pin, so she crawled and then tagged me and the fans went bat crazy and Tamina was tagged in, Tamina ran at me but I punched her and punched her mutiple times and then tripped her into the ropes and then yelled "BRIE MODE!" And then I ran and kneed Tamina and dragged Tamina and I pinned her. 1..2..3!! Our theme played and the fans cheered and I celebrated with them and then I left the ring and then we went to the backstage.

Seth Rollins POV:

I'd make my way to the arena with J&J Security with my title, i'd finally get to the arena and i'd meet up with the other guys, i'd open up the show and I would come out and the fans booed, I rolled in the ring and then I grabbed the mic. "You see, come Payback." I said. "Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Ran-, then I was interupted and Roman Reigns walked down the audience and got in the ring and then Randy Orton came out and walked down the ring and then I was cornered, until Dean Ambrose theme plays and he runs down the ring and then jumps over Randy and Roman and then attacks me and stomps and punches me. I ran out the ring with my title and Dean rolled out the ring and chased me as I ran in the crowd, I remember seeing Reigns spearing Jamie Noble and Randy RKO'ed Joey Meurcury! The fans cheered as I was still getting chased and then I ran to the catering area and Dean lost me and then he looked at the ring where Randy and Roman was at and he did a title on his waist sign and pointed at the 4 weeks till Payback sign on the minitron. I'd finally get to the backstage and i'd go to Triple H's office. "Listen Seth, I know what happend out there so this is what I want." he told me. "The 3 men your fighting at Payback will be fighting any team of your choice." he said. "I have a plan." I told Hunter back. I'd leave the office and go to my locker room and wait a few hours and then Randy, Roman, and Dean we're in the ring so then my theme played and I came out and I had the mic in my hand. "Randy, Roman, and Dean." I said, "Now I saw Roman and Randy lost to The New Day, but now it's 3 on 3 advantage but, I found 12 guys to fight you." Heath Slater's theme played first, then Curtis Axel's then The New Day, then BNB, then Sheamus, then the Acension, then my theme would play and J&J Security and me and the rest would walk down the stage. The bell would ring *MID END OF MATCH* Dean had BNB in the Dirty Deeds and then Slater, Sheamus, and The Acension ran in but the ref stopped them and BNB got out of the move and bull hammered Dean. Roman ran in and speared BNB! The ref gets distracted by J&J and the whole team would come in and attack Roman and Dean. Randy just stands on the apron and watches! The fans are confused and he jumps off the apron and walks away and turns around and rolls in the ring and then goes after them but Randy quickly gets knocked out the ring and so is Roman and then they all shares finishers on Dean and then I pick him up and do my finisher and BNB bull hammers Dean and pins him and the ref turns and counts. 1...2..3!! BNB's theme would play as we would all get in the ring and celebrate and raise arms. Then Kane's theme would play and he grabs the mic and talks. "Congrats Seth, you have proven that those 3 are failures." he said. "But since Triple H was only here for one night I am still under control, so." he said. "On Monday, you will be fighting the 11 you teamed with, and that means J&J is not on your team!" he said and the fans cheered, I got fustrated and angry and I left the ring and his theme played and I walked to the back.

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