Consequences 😶

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As usual Nanon was attending his school but suddenly Sam came running towards him. And told Nanon to meet him at their old school building urgently. Without thinking twice Nanon also went there but met with a darkness.

"Sam where are you.... please come out you know it very well that I'm afraid of dark" Nanon said while searching for Sam in a abandoned old building of their school. But suddenly the lights got turned on.

"Hello little one how are you" Luke said while sitting on a chair while his two minions standing beside him while smirking at him evily.

"What are you guys doing here....and where is Sam... please don't hurt him" Nanon said pleading while running towards exit to find Sam if he is fine or not. But suddenly Sam came towards him he closed the door and dragging Nanon towards Luke.

Nanon was shocked that why is Sam suddenly started dragging him towards Luke. Before he can ask anything he pushed him on Luke's feet. Nanon fell on his feet's with a loud thud.

"Ohh my pretty little one you are thinking that why is your best friend behaving like listen now he is with us and you know the most hilarious thing is that he told us everything about you.... Nanon Korapat kirdapan" Luke said sarcastically he yanked Nanon by his hairs.

"So let's begin....hey take this and record the video for us" Harit said while passing the camera towards Sam.

Nanon didn't say anything because he still can't able to believe that his bestfriend will betrayed him like this. For whom he was ready to risk his life without giving a thought now is making his video while laughing at him. Luke and his minions were circling around him while laughing their lungs out at his miseries. But Nanon is still on the ground and just looking towards Sam who is recording his video without having a little bit guilt.

"Because of your Dad my Dad never came on Number one know what he had to face so many lose now I will take revenge on his behalf....get ready you bastard I'm sure you can't able to forget us from now on" Luke said while punching on his face making Nanon head banged on ground loud enough for them to heard.

They started to beat Nanon brutally without showing any pity on him. But Nanon is still looking at Sam with teary eyes. Luke grabbed Nanon by his collar and start puching his face mercilessly. After punching he started to kick him on his stomach continuously. Three of them beating him ruthlessly while laughing at him.



"That day Nanon went on coma for two know what they left him there alone to die but a security guard of that school found him on bloody state. He immediately informed us when we came to search him because he didn't returned back home that day" Milk said while crying her heart out. Ohm was also crying listening to his lover past he can't able to gather himself. His blood is boiling so much he don't know what will he do to them when he see that bastard's.

"After getting Nanon I got a message from Marcus Plowden....he sent me a video when I saw that video my whole body got numb to see how Luke  and his two friends brutally beaten my Son.....I immediately complaint a file against them.... After that Marcus also stands against his Son and they got punished by law.....that time I also decided to always stand behind my we intentionally hired all those teachers who used to be deaf when my son or other students got bullied by them....and some students who used to laugh at him..... Nanon never bullied any innocent students or teacher at campus" Khun said while wiping his tears.

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