Chapter 1 Katerina

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"Thank you for the amazing night love, feel free to call me anytime." The man whose name I have already forgotten says as he kisses my cheek before he walks out the door, meanwhile I am just trying to enjoy my coffee before I have to leave for work. These one night stands they get the job done and I love having a distraction to take my mind off of my company for an hour or two, well in the man from last night's case a few minutes. 

After I finish my morning coffee I decided to hop in the shower before getting ready, I blow dry and do some loose curls with my hair. Once I finished my makeup and got dressed into a sleek black dress, I head downstairs where my valet driver already has my car pulled up for me right outside the lobby. 

"Hi Harvey, you look handsome today" I say to my valet driver, He's older but I do still know a good looking man when I see one. Harvey has been my valet driver for years though and he's married to Valerie whom I adore, he is more of a best friend than anything. Speaking of best friends I see Genevieve once we arrive to Pearl Palace, which is my own company that has grown into a massive jewelry empire over the years and one of the most well known places in New York City. 

Genevieve may live all the way over in Washington but we have been friends since secondary school, no amount of distance affects that even if I miss her twenty four-seven. She is practically a sister to me.

"Kat!!" Genevieve squeals as she runs over to me once I get out of the car. "Oh my god I have missed you so so so much." She squeezes me tightly.

"What are you doing all the way over here?? You did not tell me you were coming out here to visit me!" I said just as equally excited.

"I know I know, I could not wait until the holidays plus I got a promotion at work and they gave me some vacation time also" Genevieve smiled ear to ear. 

"No way you got the promotion!?"

"Yes!! You are now looking at one of the head writers for The Washington Times!"

"That's amazing to hear, congratulations girl!" I hugged her again "We definitely need to celebrate tonight, dinner on me." 

"It's a date! 7 o clock okay? I have a couple meetings here I gotta get to, I love you and I will see you later babes!"

"That works! Love you more! Good luck, bye!" I lightly laughed as she walked away and I head inside to open up the store. 

A few hours passed, it was a typical day at work. Helping customers as they came in and out, press showing up and asking questions. Blah blah blah. I love being my own boss but some days just feel like they stretch on for forever.

"Hi... Could I ask a few questions about a couple of rings I saw?" I heard someone ask, quickly pulling me out of my daze.

"Oh hello, yes of course. Welcome to Pearl Palace, how may I assist you?" I perk up as I make eye contact before realizing the absolute god of a man standing in front of me, my jaw slightly dropped but I stood up straight and ran my palms against my dress straightening it out. 

"I uh- well I saw a couple rings online and I was wondering if you may have them here so I could look at them in person?" The man asks slightly stumbling over his words as if he were nervous.

"Yes of course! What were the names of the rings?" I question trying not to stare at him too hard but it is almost hard not too when it looks like his muscles are literally about to burst out of the seams of his shirt, and his jawline oh my god it could cut glass.

"It was the um..." He pulls out his phone." The Antoinette and the Caledonia rings." He smiles up at me before eyeing me up and down making me feel a little self conscious.

"Yes right over here, the antoniette is my personal favorite you have great taste." I walk him over to a case full of our most expensive diamonds. "What's the special occasion?" I unlock the case and pull out a tray of rings setting them on the glass counter between us.

"I'm proposing to my girlfriend, Eloise. Were going to paris next week and I think I wanna pop the question there, it's one of her favorite places." He looks down at the rings in front of him studying each one.

"Aw that is so special, how long have you guys been together?" The good looking ones are always taken huh. I would say he is around my age though. Maybe 27 at the oldest, he has dark brown flowy hair that was short on the sides but kept a little longer on top, it fit him quite well. No full beard but he did have a five o clock shadow. Definitely not the type I would usually go for, almost too innocent looking. There's something special there, like he carries an energy that could light up the darkest of places. 

"We have been together 5 years now, I met her when I was 20 while I was studying abroad in London. She was a new student in one of my classes and she was actually studying abroad as well and we just hit it off right away, she was a year younger than me so when I came back to the states she stayed in London to finish her schooling but I we maintained long distance during that and now we've been living together here for a little over a year still going strong" He stated proudly.

"Wow that is quite the love story, congratulations! She is one lucky girl." I smile but I feel very flustered by just looking at him, what is going on with me.

"Yeah.... Yes she is. I think I will take this ring." He holds up the antoniette and hands it to me. 

"Great choice, I will take this up to the register for you, is there anything else I can help you with?" I grab the ring and its box gently placing it in there.

"No that will be all for me today, thank you so much for your help." He grins as he follows me up to the register.

"Okay your total for just the ring is gonna be six thousand and three hundred ninety nine dollars." I enter everything into my system ringing him up.

He puts his card into the reader. "What was your name again? I don't think I caught it earlier?"

Did he just ask what my name was? "Katerina." I smile again, honestly it's such a relief hearing someone ask that. Makes me feel like a normal person. Being bombarded by paparazzi and press can be kinda exhausting sometimes, luckily not too many people genuinely know me enough, only the people that care about my business and well money status I guess.

He reaches his hand out "Theodore, it was a pleasure to meet you Katerina."

I shake his hand "Same to you Theodore." I release his hand after a long pause, probably too long but then I hand him his bag with the ring in it. "Good luck, have an amazing rest of your day as well." I look down trying to hide the fact that I am most definitely blushing right now and I need to end this conversation as soon as possible. 

"Thank you." He grabs the bag and we make eye contact for a split second before he walks out the door.

Theodore was my last customer so I start closing up the store after he leaves, trying to keep my thoughts to myself. I use the restroom before heading to dinner, looking down I see the wetness soaking my panties. 

"Oh my god get it together girl, this is embarrassing. Like you have never seen a good looking man before." I mumble to myself rolling my eyes. 

I gather myself before greeting Harvey to take me to meet Genevieve at dinner.

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