Chapter 16

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The Next day....

Artemis woke up by the feeling of being hugged, she looked to see Max's face up close which made her face go red and I mean red as a TOMATO. 

Artemis doesn't want to wake up Max so she thought of strategies, (I mean what can you expect she's the best friend of ATHENA, the wisest and smartest goddess. ok let's get back to the main story.)  but at the same time she doesn't want to get out in this 'position', she felt so- wtf no!? you're a freakin' virgin ARTEMIS!? inner self said: oh don't, this is once in a lifetime, what if you won't experience that feeling again? 

Artemis's mind: ah, you know what..

Ears perked (idk this is my story I'm gonna make this even more made up)

Artemis's mind: I'm not staying like this... 

Outer self: Yep I always win.

Inner self: NOOO! 

Outer self: I win.

Max: *groan* *whispers* leave me. 

when she was about to stand up he pulls her closer to him, feeling his heartbeat and warmth made her brain go all blank except what he was doing to her. 

Artemis's mind: w-what is h-he doing to m-me!? didn't he say leave!?

Max was talking in his sleep.

Max: d-don't leave me again. I don't want to lose you.... 

for a moment there she froze, questions began to roam her head ; who was he referring to? Me? or someone else... then the unexpected came 

Max: I love you and I always will, so don't leave me. he said as tears glistened in his eyes and then he woke up. feeling surprised the he hugged Artemis in his sleep

Max: I am so sorry for that!? 

Artemis: it's okay, besides I didn't know you were scared of thunder. 


Max went red full of embarrassment. 

Artemis looked at his state which was him wearing pants, thank god. and some tight shirt revealing his well built body which made her a blushing mess.

Artemis: y-you should g-get c-changed. 

she said looking away, Max then looked down and went to embarrassment mode 


Artemis: it's okay since I consider you a friend *cough* 

Max: really!

he hugged her tight 

Artemis: please put me down and get something not revealing to wear. *blushes*

He put her down 

Max: right, heh. well I'm glad you consider me a friend. 

he left with a smile. 

Artemis's mind: you know Max sometimes your unable to read. she smiles

Later that day Max was getting the papers sent to Olympus to be written on with their signature. 


Max: and that's all. 

Aphrodite: great to have you back Max. *smiles* and how did you even get that curse? 

Max: I wouldn't say it as a curse, but I honestly don't know how, I got this when I was 16. 

Ares on the other hand was glaring at you, confused you were about be dismissed when you heard a loud bang. 

*bang* the doors were wide open and there you saw a tall woman about 5'1 feet tall, black hair that it looked like it was shining, beautiful eyes with golden iris. slender body and fit physique and perfect face, any guy would die for just a glance at her. 

Ares: Emily!? wait what are you doing here!? 

Zeus however just stood there looking at her like he did when they first met. ( don't worry she didn't get pregnant) 

Then she looked at Max and she ran to him and tackled him to the ground 

The God's were shocked, because they hadn't seen her do that to 'anyone' 

Emily: M-Max.. *sob* y-you're finally back. 

she hugged him tighter to the point he cannot breath

Max: C-cannot b-b-breath. 

She then let go 

Max: *cough* next time warn me. 

Athena: wait how do you guys know each other? 

At the same time they answered 

Max: cause she's my sister. 

Emily: cause he's my future husband. 

everyone is eerily quiet, the God's were furious but it didn't compare to the jealousy of the Goddesses. 

Max: Big sis haven't I told you that was just a joke when I was a kid. 

Emily: you promised that you love me and take care of me for- 

Max: okay that was just a dumb little joke. 

Emily: I'm still not going to give up- 

Max: okay we have to go so GOODBYEEEeeeeeee. 

After they left, the God's brain just processed everything. 

So to make it up for you guys I made this chapter a bit cheesy and I mean A BIT 

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