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"Chaewon unnie!!!" a girl with her phone laying down on the couch in their dorm living room.

"KIM CHAEWON UNNIE!!!" again she called the girl loudly because all she received as the answer was just a silent.

"AHH! Wae? Wae? Wae?" Chaewon who was sleeping of course it's annoyed her. She get out from her room and went to the living room.

She was still rubbing her eyes not clearly seeing her view. Walking like a drunkman in her cheetah pyjama. Her hair was messy.

"Ahh. Wae Hong Eunchae?" she was standing in front of the couch with sleepy eyes.

She looked at the person in front of her with annoying face but her view was blurred. She saw two girls make she blinked her eyes slowly.

"Pfft. Good afternoon unnie." Eunchae said sarcastically while holding her laughed.

"What do you want brat?" She didn't have time for this shit. Still blinking her eyes.

"Oho. Why don't you open your eyes like OPEN OPEN IT?" Eunchae said and clinging with the taller girl who was next to her.

The girl just holding her laughed while just watching the conversation between the two.

Chaewon then rubbing her eyes again to make it more clear. But when it's clear it just made her mood more sour. Seeing the girl that she had avoided for two weeks straight. She even didn't want to reply the girl messages what else to see the girl like this.

"What are you doing here?" Chaewon said coldly.

Her mood was already bad and seeing the girl was just made it more bad.

"Chae- Go back to your dorm."

Chaewon cutted her off and about to went back to her room but the girl was fast to hold her arms made them face to face. Chaewon just keep her cold face.

"Eunchae." the taller said and looked at the younger signalling her something.

The younger just nodded and went to her own room. Chaewon was confused when she saw that.

"What are you doi- AH YAHHH JANG WONYOUNG!!" she yelled when the taller lifted her up bridal style and she can feel that her back already met with the couch.

The taller was on top of her, trapping the older under her. The taller girl started laughing making Chaewon even more furious.

"YOU FUCKING KID DON'T DO THAT TO ME!!!! LET ME GO!!!" she tried hard to hit her but the taller just held her hands, interwined their fingers and put it inside her hoodie pocket.

Chaewon tried to pull her hands but the taller was more strong than her of course.

"Wonyoungie baby~ don't be too loud okay?" Sakura who was just went back from the kitchen.

She saw Chaewon being pinned by the taller. It just made she giggled at the sight.

"DON'T CALLED HER THAT!! SHE IS MINE!!" Chaewon said glaring at Sakura.

Sakura only smiled innocently at her making her even angrier but she just kept quiet. Wonyoung just laughing at her.

"Oh. Look at who was the one ignoring my baby for two weeks straight." Sakura said and quickly went inside her room before the cub turned into tiger.

Chaewon just rolled her eyes.

"NOW. YOU KID. LET ME GO!" she said loudly.

She keep wiggling her body wanting to make the younger grip on her loosened but failed. So she just gave up and frowned at the younger who was still on top of her.

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