Mr. March

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"Marriage is only a bond between two consenting parties-"
You repeated the line your mother had taught you over and over again, in hope it'll grow on you

You were marrying a man named James March, your mother had forced you to marry this man in gains of wealth

You belonged to a poor French family, you were known for your beauty and charm back in your home town of colmar

You both were to wed in his hotel

from what you heard from your mother, he was a thirty something year old man

Your mom secured the veil to your hair

"maman, je ne suis pas sûr de ça"
You mumbled quietly
(Mom, im not sure about this)

"chérie, c'est pour le bien de la famille"
She snapped
(Sweetheart, it's for the good of the family)

You sighed, putting on the last of your accessories

"Come on now, darling"
Your mom said in English. She hid her guilt behind her thick French accent
"It's for the best"

She brought you down to the isle, your dad put his arm around yours and walked you down the isle

Tears stung his eyes

"prends soin d'elle, s'il te plait"
He said, he didn't speak a word of English
(Take care of her, please)

The man you were to wed took your hands in his and guided you up to face him

He had smoothed hair, a side part. He had a thin spiked moustache. His lips were full and plump

"comment tu t'appelles?"
You mumbled
(What's your name)

He smiled

"You think i can't understand you?"
He said, a low growl hidden behind his smirk

You didn't answer, you had limited English.. that was a lie. You could speak it fluently and without mistake, you just refused to talk to this man

"I know you can understand me"
He said, low.. almost a whisper
"So talk"

You put on your mothers thick accent, pretending you didn't understand much

"I know you can speak it, i know you can speak it very well. How? Because i heard you talking with your mother.. maybe a few days ago now"
He smiled, it was charming but hostile. It triggered your fight-or-flight

The person to wed you both stood next to you, your mother stood behind you

"I can uhh.. translate, Mr. March"
Your mother stumbled on her words

"No need, i understand this... beautiful language quite well"
He smiled to your mother, there wasn't any hostility or violence. It was actually... pretty sweet

His attention turned back to you

"Now, we shall get married my sweet"

He lifted the vail from your face

You zoned out through half of the ceremony

You spoke in english, clearly and loudly
"In the name of God, I, y/n, take you, James, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow"

Mr. March said the same thing

"Will you, y/n monet, take James March to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

James March x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now