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Prince Charming, now dressed as a knight, looked at his reflection in a shield, looking exactly like Prince James.

King Midas approached him, "There he is, our savior!" Prince Charming looked at him, "The man who is going to tear the dragon limb from limb," Prince Charming drew the golden sword, "You do this, and you'll be a legend," King Midas told him and walked off.

Prince Charming noticed something wrong with his armor and tried to fix it as another knight walked up to him, "Here. Let me. You fastened it wrong," the knight fastened his armor correctly, "Here. Give me that," The knight said and took the sword from Prince Charming.

"Well, how will I fight? How will I protect myself?" Prince Charming asked.

"You won't. You will stay outside the cave while we kill the dragon. If you don't come out of this alive, Midas won't give our kingdom any gold. You might have the title of hero, but not the job," The knight said as the dragon's roar could be heard from the mountain.


Prince Charming and a group of knights walked up the mountain, along a narrow trail. Along the way, they saw various burnt items from previous knights who had also been given the job of slaying the dragon.

They arrived near the entrance of the dragon's cave, and the knight who helped Prince Charming with his armor turned to them, "The dragon's lair is through there. You stay here. We'll be back," The knight said and drew his sword, leading a few knights into the cave as Prince Charming stayed outside with two more knights.

Prince Charming looked at the other two knights, "Did you know him well?" Prince Charming asked.

"Who?" A knight asked.

"My brother, the prince," Prince Charming said.

"Yeah, we knew him. He was the bravest man I ever met," A knight said.

The dragon's roar could be heard from the cave and suddenly flames could be seen at the cave's entrance, followed by the screams of the fellow knights.

"They need our help," Prince Charming said and tried to run into the cave, but the two knights held him back.

"We stay here. Our orders are clear," A knight said.

"People are dying!" Prince Charming said as he struggled against the knights.

"Don't move! Stay back!" A knight said.

Prince Charming broke free and ran towards the cave where a knight was lying on the ground, with his legs on fire, "Hey!" he pulled a knight out of the way and put out the fire, "Where's your sword?" the dragon exhaled more fire as knights screamed again, and Prince Charming saw the sword, "Stay here," Prince Charming said and he tried to pick up the sword, but it is too hot and he immediately dropped it as the dragon emerged from the cave.

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