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An evening,

A warm evening brung about the congregation of a group of friends, three of them to be more specific, a group stringed together by fates hands. They each attended Hopes Peak High, a giant school brimming with ultimates of all kinds, the most talentful of those picked from their former ordinary society at adsolence.

It's been one long year, grueling to say the least, but full of memories for each of the young students, paving a path onto their journey of life, each accompying eachother along the way.

Today, the friends decided to eat lunch at the courtyard outside of the lunchroom. It was a beautiful light-filled day, the sun was peaking through thin sheets of cloud envolping the school in warm rays, specs of white light twinkling through the shade of the trees scattered around the outskirts of the building, a beautiful scenery of in itself and making perfect weather to lounge outside.

Synonymous laughing could be heard from afar, it was almost like the bubbly essence of the friends auras could be felt from a mile radius of a passerby.

"Well! it's not like I could do anything!" Chiaki retorted, her tone was playful as her upper body strained forward after she spoke, facing Komaeda as she directed her words towards him.

Komaeda followed in reply with a small giggle, his eyes shut closed as his head tilted in genuinity. Small breezes coercing against his hair, ruffling his creamy thick locks, his face looked bright as usual, his smile making him look ten times more endearing and handsome, which he was for certain.

Hajime was sat between the two friends more closed in distance with Chiaki, smiling at the small chatter the two started with eachother, his head turning it's attention to whoever was speaking and often making small comments to add onto their conversation.

Hajime was rather out of it today, more than usual.

He had zoned out several times in class today, his mind casually wavering around in his own thoughts of how the future would be for him and past amities, admiring the people he had met so far that have now become his dear friends, and helped him to the point he is now.
He eventually caught himself when those theoretical thoughts got a little off track, a little too deep for him to even want to keep thinking about. He quickly returned to his normal state of mind with the rest of the class, listening to the babblings of Miss Yukizome with the lesson she was teaching today.

Unfortunately for him, He didn't get away with it.

A pair of curious light-colored eyes just across the classroom caught how Hajime visually appeared to be preocuppied with god-knows-what thoughts he had coursing his mind again.

The luck student reasoned it down to be some straggling worries of upcoming exams.

Maybe he's contemplating about something? Or am I reading too much into him? After all, it's Hajime, I suppose his usual concerns would be of that like.

Komaeda frowned slightly as he turned his attention back to the board.

He wasnt worried just yet but he was hoping whatever it was, or could be, that Hajime could bring it up to him eventually, if it was a pressing matter, that is.

Komaeda cared for his friends deeply and wanted to help whatever troubled them, his low strung personality catered as a comfort for his friends, and even as ignoble as Komaeda states he is, his friends desperately try to convince him otherwise.

The three of them got carried away in their their lively chatter, finally starting to unpack their lunch.

The smallest of the bunch opened the usual pack of her favorite sunflower seeds, taking a bite of one immediately as she prepped her bowl of uruchimai rice paired with a tasty looking teriyaki sauce covered meat, coming straight out of her heated lunch bag. Hot steam could be seen once she took the lid off, quickly dwindling as she blew on it patiently to cool it down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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