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Thank you so much to chocoqueen29 for providing this prompt that got my creative juices flowing again. I missed writing like this!!! THANKS KWEEN!!! 😘

Based on my experience, I've never read a single Ninjago book that focuses solely on Kai and Nya's relationship. And not just fluffy one-shot thingies. I mean a proper plot which circles around the importance of family love rather than romance. While I've seen and read many awesome books that write about the struggling evil protagonist who falls in love with the hero and now they wanna change their ways, I want a similar thing but through the love of family and kin. Kinda like how Frozen uses this concept with sisterly love. So if anyone knows a book/s surrounding this theme, do lemme know plz. 😊

I'm sorry, I'm rambling–

Without further ado, let's start.

~ Ana J.

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