Chapter 1: New friends, new villans and new adventures

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Me narrating:
7 months pass Since the tournament finish and all the destruction of T.K.O
So after KO and TKO fuse everything was doing normal for our hero

KO: i feel so happy to continue working at the plaza, but i missed so much rad and enid after they left, they dont even text me * a little sad*

TKO on Ko's mind: at least everything is normal after al-all the des-destruction that i made, even that i still felt bad about that, but i'm happy that everything was solve

Me narrating:
Ko looks at his power cards album in the recess room and saw that he needs just 1 legendary power card(that is the new category that consist of dimencional heroes) so he was thinking of if he can meet that hero someday

Ko: man i have volt, kick the rabbit and capt. Falcon but i have one legendary power card left, i dont know what hero can be, but i hope i meet him someday...

TKO: * sighs* man ko try to do something for fun you are at free time go do other stuff and stop thinking about that power card, you can get it from the machine or something.

Ko narrating:
I should go outside and think other things bc i think tko is trying to not get bored, even that we are fused, so maybe i can visit mr. Logic or go with my mommy...

Me narrating:
Some misterious portals start opening in the sky, and strange creatures appeare and start attacking the plaza, so ko have nothing else to do than protecting the plaza form the attack...

Ko: awh man, and i though today is going to be normal, nothing have been normal since the portals appeare in the sky and this creatures appeare even that i'm the only hero here cuz, mr. Gar is on very secret missions...

Tko talking telephatily at ko: dont be a lazy guy, this is perfect, you dint have a big battle since months even i want to battle too, come on ko!

Ko: Ok ok fine... we are going to battle then.

Me narrating:
Before Ko move a misterious Hooded appears and with a single attack destroys half of the creatures and from there he takes out of his hand a sword of fire with which he cuts those who were missing.

Ko: wow, who was that guy...

???: puff those guys always make trouble here... but i can see that you are pretty tough kid...

Ko: exacly who are you? And where did you come out from?

???: just for now i can not anwser those questions kid, i have to go and do other stuff * dissappeare from a gas cloud*

Ko and TKO narrating at the same time:
Who was that guy, and what kind of power he have, he is pretty strong so i hope i see him again, maaaaaaybe later idk..

I hope y'all like my first book here is my first time ;)

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