<<<Chapter One>>>

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Jodi Levesque, known to the WWE Universe as Jodi Helmsley, shoulder tackles Bianca Belair in the middle of the ring. The Raw Women's Champion crashes to the mat as does Jodi from exhaustion from this competitive bout. Bianca's back reverberating off the canvas sends ripples that reach the prone Jodi. Jodi rolls onto her back before doing a kip up. The crowd boos her, eliciting a roll of her blue eyes as a response. She approaches the champ and grabs a handful of her braid. The ref is warning Jodi to cease her cheap maneuver. He starts to count for her to break the grip.

Jodi lets her opponent go and outreaches an open palm into his face before turning her attention back to Bianca. Bianca whips her hair across the gut of Jodi. She screams in pain, turning around and falling to her knees. Bianca capitalizes, lifting Jodi up and planting her with the KOD. Bianca covers Jodi with a hook of the legs.


"I'm on my own! Against the world!"

"Here is your winner, and STILL your Raw Women's Champion, Bianca Belair!" Jodi can't help but smile at her friends victory. Hiding her face from the crowd, she rolls out and in a second, is back in character.

"You cheated! Your hair is a weapon!" Jodi screeches. The crowd boo her as Bianca celebrates in the middle of the ring with a smile on her face. Helmsley is proud of her friend, but hides it until she reaches the backstage area. She meets the light brown gaze of her father. "Dad, you forgot to warn me how bad that whip would hurt!" Jodi teases. Her father, Hunter Helmsley, chuckles.

"You took it like a champ." He encourages. Jodi shrugs, unsure of herself.

"So, please tell me that this might lead to a larger program with Bianca." Jodi questions. Her father sighs.

"And have people accuse me of nepotism? With your mother and I still new to higher level positions, we can't afford to be so... liberal... with title opportunities." Her father explains. Jodi crosses her arms.

"At least... not to me?"

"Not exactly."

"Well Dad that is kind of what it sounds like." Jodi challenges.

"I am sorry that is how you feel."

"Dad, you know what... we don't need to keep talking about this, you've been clear as crystal." The daughter dismisses. With a drawn out breath, she departs. She wasn't angry with her father, just snappy. And she felt justified in her snappiness. Disappointment was an equally lingering emotion. Lost in her own thought, she crashes into a man just slightly taller in stature.

Beside him, two other men, though the first holds the most compact, muscular frame. Jodi roll her eyes as she meets the blue gaze of AJ Styles. He narrows his eyes.

"Can you not walk around here as if you own the place. Even though you wish I had lost my job during the pandemic." AJ spits. Jodi bites her lip, shaking her head.

"How many times do I have to apologize AJ. I told you that it was a misunderstanding." Jodi defends. AJ scoffs. Karl Anderson places a comforting hand on AJ's shoulder.

"I saw that interview... what you said was fucked up. Coming from someone who also got released." Karl Anderson backs up AJ. Jodi feels her skin heating up as she prepares to explain herself once more.

"I've told you AJ, my then-boyfriend got released and I was upset. In my interview I commented that it was upsetting to see stars with bright futures ahead of them who needed the platform be released while established stars like you who would succeed anywhere aren't even doing anything in WWE. I mean am I wrong AJ? You are just now getting into a program." Jodi crosses her arms, as if preparing herself for the onslaught. AJ chuckles.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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