The end

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Sorry but im gonna have to end the story here

I dont have the capability to write anymore since most of my stories came from my little imagination and some part of my own life..

And most of them included little details of me and my boyfriend.. who is now my ex..

And i dont really want to keep anyone waiting..

But here's a little summary of the ending.

The gym teacher was also a bad guy. He let her go and the police were there when they tried escaping.

In the end they capture them all and it turns out Beomgyu s father look alike was his twin brother he never knew he had. He tried shutting him down and take his place. So he killed him.

Beomgyu's mom survived the poisoning and remember the nurse at the hospital? She was also a part of the bad side. She never gave those notes or the recording to the police.

But luckily it was a real hospital and the nurse never once came near her.

It was also a good thing Beomgyu and taehyun did this on their own. Became lead detectives when they were told to stay out of it and go home.

And they all lived happily.. Beomgyu and Taehyun never broke up.. they got happily married.. and he kept his fucking promise that he'd never leave him til death upon them..

The end.

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