Death and rebirth of the Angel

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Walter C. Dornez did it, he killed the doctor as his last act of redemption, he sits slumped against a wall having his last smoke. "We had a good run... Master Integra." he closes his eyes, knowing its his end, droping his smoke, he embraces the pain of flames.... Only for it to suddenly stop. Not only the pain from flames, but also the pain from his right arm, which was nearly completly destroyed. He opens his eyes to see... a forest

"W-what?" he is quite shocked that he is still alive, he looks at his body to see himself still in his young form, about 17-18 years old, his body fully healed from his Injuries. He looked around seeing mostly forest and some black creatures... wait what?

Walter instantly stands up, his Red and Blue wires at ready- wait red? Walter doesnt have much time to wonder about wierd color of his wires. One of wolf like creatures pounces on him only for Walter to dodge and use his Red wire to decapitate it, wires still sharp as always. Using the Blue wire he decapitates 2 other creatures running at him, blue wire going through them completly without effort at all.

"Intresting..." while Walter's wires where quite powerful, they always required some effort to slice through, also it seemed like Blue wires where more powerful than he remebered. He looked toward the corpses of creatures that attacked him only to see them fading away. What were they? some familiars of some vampire? it wouldnt be Alucard considering he (or she?) isnt like that.

"I need to get out of this damned forest..." with a clear task, he started walking east, hoping to get out of this damned forest, not noticing camera looking at him....

Meanwhile somewhere east...

"Profesor Ozpin? There seems to be distrubence in Emerald forest" Said middle aged woman with very light blond hair, green eyes and glasses, Glynda Goodwitch. Headmistress of Beacon academy 

"What is it?" asked middle-aged man with tousled silver hair and thin brown eyes, Professor Ozpin.

"There seems to be someone there"

"Any of missing new students?" asked Professor Ozpin

"doesnt seem like it.... No, he isnt in any database" said Glynda, a bit suprised

"Well then... Glynda, go to bullhead and recover him for questioning" Ordered Ozpin

"Of course Professor Ozpin" Said Glynda, already walking prepared to retrieve some rebel boy

Ozping looked at one of camera's to see boy in question. About age of students with black hair and violet eyes, dressed in formal clothing

"Who are you....?" asked Ozpin, looking at him

Back in the forest, Walter was walking through forest trying to find any kind of civilization while thinking about his "former" life.

"Well Alucard... it seems i outlived you... i won" chuckled Walter with hint of resentment...  before he could go any further he was stopped by a screech, he turned to see a giant bird like creature 

"Well hello little birdie...."  Walter couldnt keep his smile of his face, wanting to see what this creature will show him... The creature dived on him, Walter dodging it without much of a effort "Doesnt seem like mu-" he was interrupted my creature throwing its feather like arrows toward him, Walter still dodging it easily cause of the Vampiric reflexes "well... that was suprising, anything more birdie!?"  it screached, diving again this time with its talons. Walter dodged again, but this time using his Blue wire to slash the talons off "aww... is it all birdie?" Walter was about to kill it but before he could he started hearing jet engine close by, in the corner of the eye he sees some wierd kind of plane, similar to a V-22 osprey but with jet engines. "Well it seems someone took notice of our fight birdie..." he chuckled 

"Are you alright?" asked female voice behind him, he quickly looked toward her, the middle aged woman with blondie hair

"Im fine, just having fun" Walter answered, ready to end this show

"Just having fun?! young boy, you are fighting a dangerous grimm and you say "having fun?!" Glynda said suprised and a bit angry

"Fine, i was about to end it anyway" Walter answered 'Grimm? so this is how those creatures are named...' 

"What? you are too young to figh-" Glynda said, but was interrupted by Walter: "Watch me" he surged forward, charging the "grimm" with his wires "its time to end this performance!" He sent his wires forth slashing the creature multiple time cutting it in dozen of pieces. The pieces fallen to the ground, already smoking and disapearing. He looked at them before turning toward woman who was standing in shock 'is killing those creatures that hard?' he thought "So... can we get out of here? i was getting tired of this damned forest" Walter asked blonde woman 

"Y-yes we shall, headmaster has many questions about you" and so did Glynda, she just seen young boy decapitate Nevermore like its nothing more than paper. he started walking toward bullhead and passed her "may i ask you your name?" asked Glynda 

Walter stopped and turned toward her, his smile never leaving his face "My name is Walter C. Dornez"...... 'the Angel of Death'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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