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    Ruby's diary       
   'Death comes as fast as life. When you close your eyes, you think you can count up to ten but all you can count is up to three before you feel it slowly drain you away. The light that shines in your eyes fades to black and you want to cover them to prevent the bitter burn that forces you to shed tears. You want to go into the light but also stay in the darkness. Once you decide to turn and walk away towards your destiny something pulls you to the opposite side forcing you to open your once closed eyes letting pain run through your body and breathing becomes easier letting you cough out the congestion pooling in your throat, you feel the warmth pooling around the cold of your skin, you hear things around you though incoherent you can still hear something, which is good. It's good. The last step to truly help you realize you are okay is the fact that your limbs can move and are no longer paralyzed as if your are forced in a sleep paralysis. For me I was never afraid of death until I felt it seep in through my body. I didn't really care about the pain, I didn't care about not hearing anyone or seeing anyone, I was scared of the darkness I fell into, being alone in a place I could barely comprehend unsure for the first time in history about where to take the next step for my future at that time if I can call it one, is as dark as the hole I fell into. Now I know I don't want to die. YET.'

"RUBY! RUBY!" the raven head could hear the loud shouts of her brother's voice as it becomes more clear as she fades into unconsciousness once more. Despite the loud begging voice in her ears her mind could still not stop wondering around begging you be saved from the darkness engulfing her once more. A darkness that let's her fall back into that demented day in that tent. Blood more blood splashing, dropping, flowing. It's all she could see and the loud shouts and screams from different spaces and rooms, blood spluttering, heads getting ripped off their bodies it was nothing.

4 Hours ago.
("Hey there Nancy Drew and just my luck one of the hardy boys brothers. I drew a lot of battle lines on different scales I hate that fact that you skipped through all of them." Mr.Drack aggressively mumbles as he stands in front of his soon to be victims after witnessing Ruby and Dean tearing and ripping through his creation. A nest he spend years building. It seems this witches were more than he assumed. Well he has no choice but to fight and to fight he will.

"Well am glad you finally decided to get your ass of your fake throne to meet us . My king." Dean mocks bowing to Drack before raising his head showing him his bloody smirk while Ruby takes her stand to the left of her brother aiming her arrows skillfully as if warning the vampires not to make a move. "I just don't understand one thing why would two pitiful siblings come for me. Why are you both drowning in blood, fangs out  for murder of my kind? If we are to do this don't you think it's best that I know." He smiles letting the two narrate their reasons if they have any. "Do we need a reason to get rid of blood suckers?" Ruby asks following his movements with her arrow. The man talking and acting smug was A okay for the deranging vampire but the girl beside him talking back as if they are age mates made his blood boil. A common practice he was not used after getting raised for years by Ginnifer and Seth. "Listen here you little twit I don't talk to people quarter of a quarter of my age, step aside and let the adults talk." "Am sorry grand pa I must have overstepped my line please excuse me." Not backing off ruby states enjoying watching his face twitch in anger. For a person stated to have a certain composure he sure was crumbling fast. "How long are you planning to chitchat? We are not teenage girls," Dean insults. "Hey!!" Ruby shouts feeling super attacked being a teenage girl herself. How annoying. "You offended little twit," that statement coming from his lips sends a shiver down Ruby's spine. A pulsating anger that snaps Aurora wide awake. "I have never been offended by him but you." her voice continuously raising turning more grizzly as her claws emerge, her eyes glowing from blue to pink and slowly growing from human to a furry white wolf

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