Coming Home

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Cassie woke up extremely excited. The love of her life, Luke Marrow was coming home to her from prison after an excruciating six months of sorrow. Marrow Sorrow. Is how she described it. She put on a quick outfit, not bothering to untuck her hair from her sweater, she knew he wouldn't care.

This was her outfit:

She drove quickly to the prison

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She drove quickly to the prison. Awaiting to see his face and rippling biceps. As soon as she saw the prison fence she felt at home. Knowing she was close to the man of her dreams, and the father of her future children.

She hopped out of her Lexus which she knew he hated and sprinted to the door. Then she saw him, chiseled jawline, pristine haircut, not a wrinkle in his orange jumpsuit, full lips, massive biceps, and a peen so big you could see it a mile away. <3

His outfit:

Johnno shows up and beats her up

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Johnno shows up and beats her up. For stealing the love of his life. Luke sees this and painfully runs outside and beats him. Cassie cries because she was so hyped to see Lukey pooky and now it's ruined. Luke walks over to Cassie and embraces her. In his massively strong arms.

He smells of fresh wood cut from a pine tree in Wisconsin.

"Hey baby girl. Are you okay kitten?"

"y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y--y-yy-yes. Lukey Pooky. Now that I'm with you."

The prison guard was disgusted tbh.

She looked into his orbs and smiled, "I missed you, Lukey Pooky."

"I missed you too Cassie Bear."

They smiled at each other and went home.

To be continued.

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