my life.

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Do you ever feel alone? feel like you're the only person in this whole wide world with no outside contact? in your own personal bubble? yeah me too, all day every day.

My name is Asterix Silverton, yeah that is my real name... anyways, im a fourteen, blonde hair blue eyed boy from county durham:), sound hot you think? yeah think again, im the most bullied person in our entire school, i have not one person i can actually call my 'friend', sounds sad? don't pity me, please.. i've been alright up until now, i'll live. Anyway, thats just about all you need to know for now, here's my story.

*september 6th 2011, first day of year 8, i cant wait!!!!*

"ASTERIX! Its Seven now! time to get up for school" my evil fu- flipping mother screams.

"what mum?! im getting up, jheeze, its just school calm down!" she can be such a dweeb at times, gosh.

"don't you speak with that tone with me you! nnow get up, breakfast will be ready in fifteen minutes!"

urgh, she's already the most annoying mum ever! gah, anyways.. i guess i got up and got ready for school as i was told, little did i know today was going to be the start of the worst 2 and a half years of my life,Great.

"ASTERIX! GET OUT, you're going to be late for school!!" my mum screamed.

"alright!alright! im going, im going" i replied quickly, dayummm, within that last minute, i managed to grab everything i needed phew! i left the house and ran down to the local bus stop, the bus would be 3 minutes! thats not bad i guess though.. but how to kill time? i was at this one bus stop on my own, eh might aswell see what i got for todays lessons................................................................

ergh, it gets worse from here on.. i had History/maths/french/english and science? how much worse can my day get? oh my god :(.

A few seconds past, and i could see my bus, YES! i tapped my zip card and walked on, all these straightfaced? yeah straightfaced adults were on it, just glaring at me as i walked down to the back of the bus to take my seat. that bus ride was the worst! ohmy it stank! luckily i soon arrived at school..:)

when im at school i got to meet my friends danielle&chrissy (yes they're both girls!), these two mean the world to me so...yeahh, these are my people? i hang out with them every break and lunch, plus they're in all my lessons so its all good.

now in my school, there are groups of people who hang out with people, like the popular girls,popular boys then all the small groups, me? well im in one of the small groups.

luckily in my lifetime i have never really been bullied up to now, i guess in primary school i was just..friends with everyone? yeah. well today i got my first bullying comment, i mean i shouldnt take it to heart should i? just a stupid comment some boy made? but it still kinda annoyed me... it was in french :/ i was sitting in this chair next to my friend nicholas and we have jokes with eachother all the time.. so as today being a normal day, we had our general jokes, he pushed me and i pushed him back, but then infront of us is this boy called henrique who is one of the 'popular' boys, so he saw us pushing eachother and he decides to say 'gaaaaay!' i mean, that didnt hurt at all? but it didnt give him anyright to call us that? so i just let it go and continued with my french.

anyway, a year has passed now, and im still getting bullied? i mean you would have thought it would have stopped?dieed down? the bullies got bored? but no! they just continue, not just calling me gay, but other things..






etc? you think I dont have feelings? just because im a boy? well guess what NEWSFLASH, i do!.

i mean, i dont mind the rumours but its just constant? like a toothache, it just wont goi away however much you say 'its fine'.

so one wednesday in november it got too much, i had had just about enough, all the emotions, all the hate, all the bullying finally got to me.

i ran home, didnt even catch my bus, i literally ran..ran..and ran, tears streaming down my face, it was hurting. i got it and ran straight up to my room, mum wasnt home yet so she didnt see any of this, i wanted the pain to just go away...just leave it i hated this, i hated my life. then i had a bizzare thought...what if i could end it? what if i could end EVERYTHING? wouldnt that be great? so i did, i got up, wiped the tears from my eyes and ran to the bathroom, ripped the medicine cabinet open, and grabbed the first box i saw, paracetamol 500mg, that powerful enough i thought? yeah. so i popped one in, then another, and another... like it was some sort of game, i drunk some water and waited for the effect to happen... whilst i waited i stumbled to the top of the stairs, my vison was going by now, there was about 3..4 stair cases? i didnt know what was happening, then bam! i became unconcious, i fell down the stairs where my mum found me, i could literally only mutter a few words when she said what happend , all i could say was 'took many paracetamol', she obviously dialled 999 quick enough, they got me to the hospital, they pumped my stomach, and got rid of all the drugs, they couldnt understand why i did it, i never did tell them why...

Now we get to now, december 2012, im alot better. i have had councelling and im on the track to a new me? word got around in school about my attempted suicide? but i dont care, henrique dropped out of our school, he's gone, i have all my old friends and new ones back, im happy:).

-Aaron. this story was all completely fake, please dont take to heart, just showing an opinion. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2013 ⏰

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