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It was loud.

That was the first thing that registered into Sera's ears when her consciousness resurfaced. She cracked her eye open and shoot up into a sitting position.

She blinked, once. Twice.

The second thing that she notice was the room that she was in were dark. Sera turn her head to take a peek at the noise and saw left him dumbfounded-a couple of grown men in a funny looking clothes were trying to hold an inhuman ( a mermaid perhaps?) creature. A woman, she thought distantly.

Where was she?

The third thing she notice is that her neck is a little heavy than she remembered. She looked at the devices that the strange looking man that was trying to force unto the females neck and look down at herself.


She was wearing it too. A metal collar that may or may not have a bomb infused on it. However despite this dangerous predicament that she as in, Sera's mind were oddly calm.

The lime haired mermaid were still wailing, louder and louder. That as then she also notice the people who were in a cell like her-having the same problem with her. She slightly tilt his head and wonder on how she end up here.

Looking for the possible reason on why she end up in a slave store-somehow. Sera's attention became blurred focusing on her memory, however not a moment later a chill claimed up to her spine making the hairs on her neck stand up and the person who were assaulting the young lady drop on the floor-unconscious.

The fool's subordinate panicked and hurried outside calling for medic. Tension then envelope the whole cage and no one speak a word the only sound was the mermaids rag breathing.

The atmosphere was o thick and suffocating and then a gruff voice break it, completely shattering the tension.

"... hey,.. Old man... stop acting innocent. "

The old man beside the on that spoke, just in front of her cell replied airily, " what are you talking about, I'm just-"

" that was some impressive haki, old man. "

Sera's lips then curled up into a sly grin as she push up her glasses, " just what I would expect from the former vice captain of the Pirate King, Dark King Silvers Rayleigh. "

The white haired man pause from chugging his alcohol and look at her with narrowed eyes. He was definitely seizing her up exuding his aura and it would be a lie to say that she wasn't slight intimidated However, Sera's smile didn't falter.

" that's was years ago when I was still young and out to live my youth, now I'm just an old man who coat ships"

Sera snorted at that and deliberately ignored that raised eyebrow that he countered-and look around.

"by the way, what is this place? "

" an auction house where some celestial dragon love to buy slaves"

After hearing Silvers-san's reply Sera slowly inclined her head and finally come up of a decision. She hen abruptly stand up causing the chains connected to her clanged up loudly and softly whispered however because of the place's stillness her voice carried across the room.

" let's get out of here now. "

The other prisoners exclaimed stunned and started to shout in denial. Their obnoxious voice piling up to one another making then incomprehensible. Sera was proud to say that she was good at in deference however the noise that these good for nothing produced is making her non-existence patience to deteriorate.

Sera can feel the last thread of his patience to snap and send them a nasty glare which she used hen dealing with uncooperative test subjects. As expected they all quietened and some even trembled.

A sweet smile then form on his lips and sweetly said, " great, thank you".

Sera then proceed to use armament haki making her arms stronger than metal and split her cuff making the broken metal uselessly clatter on the floor. Sera did the same to the cuff on his ankle.

Now then.

Sera lift his hand and gripped the color. She distantly take note at the alarmed shouts of her roommates and the intrigued look of Silvers-san's.

Sera put strength on her fist and the collar starts beeping wildly. Her eyes shine slightly crimson and she immediately throw the broken collar outside the bars ( a safe distance away from the girl) and it explode producing a cloud of smoke and dust.

Sera lightly coughed and wave her hand on the air. She activated her haki again and gripped the bars using both of his hands and effortlessly parting them.

Sera steep outside the cage with ease and she chuckled at the wide-eyed and jaw slack reaction. She smirked and look at the white-haired man.

" did I impress you, old man? "

" you're quite the special person, young lady"

" aiyaa, thank you. You can't get a compliment from a legendary person often. "

Silvers-san laughed at her reply and did the same thing she did on her collar. He seems like the philanthropist type as he also help the other prisoner. Sera ignore them and walk toward the exit and paused when her conscience starts throwing a tantrum at her.

Sera sighed and turn around, dropping into eye level and remove the collar the mermaid had.

" thank you"

Sera grimaced, she sounded so sincere and kind-that she might get hives. Instead of talking any further. Sera stand up and leave the sobbing woman alone and head to the exit-frankly the only way to get out.

When Sera step out of the room the only thought she have on her mind is that. ' I fucked up' and ' when it's raining luck I might be sleeping when it's happening'-because this is the most unluckiest shit that happen on her this day.

Instead of exit that will lead her outside the auction house, instead it leads her outside the room on the stage we're all slaves are presented.


A/N: its my first one peice fanfic with oc, constructive criticism is accepted but please if you don't like it then don't read and keep thag opinion to yourself--because i don't care.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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