Ch. 1 Forgotten Lanes

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The sounds of the room were sweeping in my head. Sounds I would never forget. How could a world so perfectly made, be so imperfect? Loss. A treacherous word that about everyone weeps to. That had been something we all had to feel, and now was just my time.

"Hello, My name is Dr. James and I'm assuming you are Mr. Custer?" The young doctor proceeded to ask. "Mr. Custer, Heaven has stage 3 Cervical Cancer. In order for us to treat her, we are going to need to keep her over night for various tests." Insisted the doctor. You should've seen the expression he had given the doctor. Of course, he went ahead and gave permission to treat. As we sat waiting in the room, I sat over next to Heaven to comfort her. 17 and diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer? What a thing to live with. Don't get mixed up, the story isn't just ending like that. Let me bring you to how everything started.

My name is Vic Martinez. I'm 16 and a happy boyfriend of Heaven Custer. We've been dating since my 7th grade year. I am now a Sophomore, and She is a Freshman. We both attend NJHS. Heaven and I met at lunch by a group of mutual friends. We had a few casual talks before but then we really became close friends. Heaven was my best friend. Not that ordinary, I got your back friend. More like the take a bullet for you, jump off a bridge for you, Bring you food when you're sad kind of best friend. I took Heaven to every middle school dance and we hung out almost every weekend. Summer after 6th grade, things started to change. She started to get feelings for me. As a typical young male, I got excited! A girl actually had feelings for me! So I asked her out. She was my princess, my queen bee, my baby girl, my everything. We did everything together and I mean everything! We went on dates, went to the movies, had play fights, little talks, long talks, kisses, cuddles, anything you could imagine! That all continued for years! After 8th grade promotion, I spoke to Mr. Custer and asked his permission to give Heaven a promise ring, and to my surprise my permission was granted. So I kneeled in front of the whole class and audience and asked her to wait for me. Moment of aching silence went by when she had finally said yes. I drove her to school every day of freshman year. Our relationship still going as strong as it started, But that's when it all started to change.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2015 ⏰

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