Chapter one

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The bright light shines on the two men, one dark one pale. The smell of blood and rust, the white pale walls as the white man blends into the walls. Glass separating both the good and the bad. It was no other place but  Arkham, the mental asylum. Joker hair was no longer long but buzzed due to the rules. Batman like ordinary, was in his bar suit. The two men stared at eachother in silent. 

"You came to see me? I started to think you wouldn't show, batsy." The pale man broke the silence. 

—a couple days ago

It was too silent. The bat cave, outside, my house. Joker recently escaped but haven't made a move in two weeks. It's not that I miss him I just.. what am I doing. I stare outside while the fog swallows the city. It was late at night with only the moon and states shining bright on Gotham. No sound near by, no explosions, nothing. A relieving bright light shines in the sky. I never hoped more to see it. It was obviously the bat signal. I ran towards the light.

"Joker captured three men and he won't talk to anybody else. He demands you or he'll take other men. He says he wants to be alone, do you want backup or can I trust you alone with him?"

"No need for backup, I can Handle this myself just give me the location." What does joker want now? He usually doesn't care if we're alone or not or he's not this demanding to be alone. I don't want to see his acidic eyes matching his emarld green pigmented with dainty pale lips and cherry red lips.  I clench my fist until my knuckles turn white. Realizing I'm excited to see him, not scared not mad, just excited. 

I met the thin men. He looked very different this type. He was even more paler- didn't know that was possible. His eyebags was as purple as his bruises that i didn't paint on him and his makeup,  smeared with tear stains and obviously not from rain. Joker couldn't be crying, he's not even capable of emotions. The three men was tied up and there was a child. A bloody Blade in the floor and I scanned them with my eyes.

"Joker, what are you planning to do?" His devious but tired eyes met mine. "Look who we got here! Ugh-" he tried punching me but misses by a inch and tumbled. I saw pills, beer bottles  and blades in the floor. I picked him up but his shirt and threw him on the floor. I started punching and denting him. All he did was laugh. The child looked at me with fear. Joker's face covered in new blossoming bruises. I grabbed his wrist and he winced more than me punching him. I put his arm over his head while being over him.

"Ow- no need to be so.. rough. At least ask me out for dinner first." He awkwardly threw the joke without a single chuckle. I punched his face right after that terrible joke

"That was for the bad joke" joker looked worst. He tried to hide it behind a smile but I saw his nauseous face with even his body hair trembling. I looked at my hands to see them covered with blood. Not from punching but from something else. I looked at jokers worst to see deep carved cuts. Intentional cuts. I looked over to the victims to see they weren't in danger at all. I looked over at the previous items I saw earlier. That's why he was acting so strange. He cut himself and overdosed. Why?

"Joker. I'm gonna ask you this once and I want a answer. What did you do to yourself." The drain man only answered with...

"Your the detective" he broke out into laugher.

I grabbed out handcuffs and handcuffed him. "Is this some type of kink? If your gonna fuck me atleast don't do it infront of these people, unless you like it like that" he purred but I was not putting up with it. I threw him against the wall and he playfully moaned. I grabbed him and threw him in my car. 

I look at Batman. His black suit with his rosy lips, i couldn't ever want to kiss him more. I start to fantasize with my intoxicated mind of beer and pills. But I realized he could never love me. I loved him more than he knows. I just want his touch, his feel. "Batman, so you hate me.?" I stopped laughing, this wasn't a joke. He was silent. What's wrong with me? I launched for a kiss., but he threw me. 

"What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this! I don't care one bit of you, this is just a game to you like always. You don't actually feel, your nothing." The words peirce me sharper than any blade. I struggle out of his reach. "I just want you to love me.." I struggle to get out but it was a impulse. I'm "The Joker" why do I care so much about Batman.. I need him, but does he need me? He grabs me and kicks my stomach. I tumble and my face falls near the blade. The hostages already ran away. "Since u don't care about me so much-" I grabbed the blade and slit  deeper. I get dizzy and I see stars. "You won the game." The final words come out of my mouth. 

I heard the words come out of jokers mouth. Seeing him lay there with no life in him. I start to panick. I didn't mean anything I said. I ran to him while trying to hold his cut togeyher. "I-I didn't mean it I swear, please don't die. Joker I'm begging keep ur eyes open." I saw tiny drops of water fall on jokers face. Not realizing it was mine. I didn't thought I would ever cry over joker. I pick him up while he fell unconscious. He dropped blood in the floor and got it all over my suit. The smell of blood and iron fills the room up. I run with his light scrawny body and my hands holding his wrist. I throw him in the bat car.

Why would he try to kill himself? I know he was destructive but I was never expecting that. I look over to him to see him bleeding over my seat. I rush faster it get home. I step out of the car and drag jokers body. Trying not for him to loose any more blood I yell for agreed and as expected he comes running. "Master Bruce- oh dear heavens! Isnt this the.. joker? This is ur enemy, I don't trust him inside the house and nether should you."

"Alfred please just help him." My voice fills in with desperation and mutiple voice cracks. He nods while carrying the joker. He looks so weak how can someone that small  do so much? 

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