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'W-what do you mean kookie?!' Anna asked.

'You said that she isn't my twin, she is faking, she bribed the doctors and they made it look like she is the one who gave her one kidney to me right?'

Anna stood still.


'Y-yes.' She shuttered when Jungkook yelled.

'So can you bring me the one who gave me her or his kidney? What? Why are you silent? Oh, I know why.... You don't have anyone to pretend right?' Jungkook smiled.

Anna felt creepy because of how Jungkook was smiling at this moment. She started to sweat even though AC was working perfectly.

'I never once have distrusted my twin. I just wanted to find the truth. Maybe I have mistaken her words in her diary or maybe you have done something real to my other half. I liked you, Anna. That's why I also trusted you which you broke. I am now sure that you were the one who hired those boys to rape my twin. How pathetic you are! How could you?! You are a woman and she is too for fucks sake!' He yelled.

'S-she manipulated you right?' Anna asked.

'Tsk! See! This is how you are! Always thinking that she is a bad person! She....she is gone, Anna! Only because of you!'

'W-what?! But I didn't inject her though!' She whispered.

But Jungkook heard it eventually. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at him confusedly.

'What do you mean by injecting?'


'Listen here you girl! If! You don't speak the truth now I swear to god that you won't see tomorrow's sunrise. Even if I have to go to jail! YOU HEARD THAT?!!'

'DID YOU!?' He again shouted.

'Y-yes...' She cried.

'Now tell me the truth.'


'I what!?'

'I went to her room that day to kill her by injecting potassium cyanide!!!!!'

'You what!?'

'I.....she was making it hard for me! She is always there where I am! I thought she is here to snatch you away from me too! She....she is an evil kookie! Why can't you see it!'

Jungkook looked at her with wide eyes. She wanted to kill his twin?! This was her plan? That's why Y/N was disappointed in him. Because he took the side of a killer? He felt more miserable until,

'Ms. Anna Stark, you are under arrest for trying to attempt the murder of Jeon Y/N not only one time. Also for hiring goons to rape her.'

Jungkook and Anna both looked at the door only to see Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi, and some police officers standing there. They were the International Police Force of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia meddles with those who are not from Malaysia and are from abroad.

'W-what?' Anna shuttered.

'Now please come with us.'

'What are you saying! I didn't do anything wrong!'

'You have confessed everything misses.' The officer smiled scarcely.

One of the female officers came forward as another one pulled out a handcuff and handcuffed Anna. She tried to protest but the officers were strong enough.

'Kookie! Please save me! You know I didn't do anything wrong! She deserved it!' Anna screamed.

'Wait!' Jungkook stopped those officers.

'Now what!?' Yoongi yelled as he rolled his eyes.

'Officers, please........she needs some help. I will hire some doctors for her treatment.' Jungkook said.

'W-what? Kookie!'

'What? Did you think I will take your side?! No! You will repent your mistakes and will be admitted to the mental hospital Anna. You need help. Don't worry. You can take her now officer.' Jungkook smiled more like smiled in pain.

'No!!' Anna screamed as the officers walked out of the room.














'Okay, now stop crying Jungkook-ah!' Jin sighed as he patted the crying baby Jungkook who has been crying for more than 1 hour.

'H-hyung! S-she left me.... I-It's all my fault! I should've never believed Anna! My twin left me hyung!' Jungkook chocked.

Yoongi sighed as he went to the maknae and hugged him tightly.

'It's okay. We will find her. I promise.'


'Yes...We will!!'

'Now stop crying.' Hoseok said.

Jungkook whipped his tears away and looked at Namjoon.

'But how come there are the police?'

'Well...' Namjoon looked at Jimin.

'Let me tell you.' Jimin said.

'You remember that you told me to secretly record Anna's statement in our previous conversation?'

Jungkook nodded.

'I was about to. But then...I called Jung Hyun to check if everything was okay or not. Then he told me something interesting. He told me that Y/N has wrote a letter. In the letter, she mentioned how Anna was there to kill her by injecting potassium cyanide. I was shocked. He also gave me a photo of her letter. So I immediately called the police because I knew something bad might happen when I talk with her. I and Taehyung set up a small camera-like pen in this room and when the police came, we watched your conversation on our laptop.' Jimin finished his words.


'Thank god we did it! Otherwise, we could never catch her!' Namjoon said.

'Oh, another thing.' Jimin said.

'What?' Taehyung asked.

Jimin smiled as he looked at Jungkook and said, 'Jung Hyun may have found your twin Jungkook-shi....'


T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now