Miya on a Mission

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Miya's Book Nook is my not-so-secret project that I've been thinking of for months now. I write reviews, run awards, admin for and take part in clubs, but I've been wanting to do something more low-key for awhile now.

I genuinely love reading, maybe even more than I love writing. The thing about the other activities I do is they take a lot of comments, a lot of time, a lot of commitment; and I've had to turn several people away who asked me to read their book or do r4r with them. I had to say that I'm too busy, which really sucks, because I remember first starting out on Wattpad and being willing to beg for reads and comments, even, shall I say... crumby ones? XD

I got burned and ghosted on so many r4r deals, so I'd like to let new writers to the Wattpad waters know that not everyone is like that and be the kind of reader I needed then.

That said, I see a lot of underrated books. I read a lot of underrated books and think "this person is brimming over with talent! How is their read count not higher?" I also see a lot of books with potential, but some flaws that are keeping them from reaching it. Oftentimes there are comments praising the flaws (purple prose, anyone?) or telling the writer to change things that are correct. (Listen, if anyone is ordering you to change things instead of suggesting—run. Run for the hills and don't look back!)

So, the point is: I'd like to do my part in helping writers grow. Whether that's through being your first genuine reader, giving some writing advice, or being the one who shoves that gem of a book under the right noses on the right faces, I'm ready to help where you need it. But here are the things I am not:

1. An editor (seriously, this is a paid job. I want to help people but not to the point where I'm crying into an ice cream tub and wanting to curl up into a ball and die.)

2. Your personal beta reader aka someone you can dm constantly asking "how does this look?"

3. Someone who will give shout-outs willy-nilly and let you advertise on my profile, books, or mb.

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Now that we've got those out of the way, here are my goals and what I am/will be doing:

✧ I will be reading fiction book recommendations of any kind. I'm willing to try anything once, because real talent can convince me to like a book of any genre. (Genuine reader)

✧ I will be giving ratings and reviews to the books who opt for this. These will be public and posted in this book, so please be sure you are ready for feedback. (Advice)

✧ I will be personally promoting books I loved. This can take shape in the form of shout-outs, reading list adds/features, recommending to my irl friends and/or Wattpad friends, discord and instagram promo, voting for you in awards, a sticker for your book cover, a follow from me, and (eventually) reading your entire book! I've been told I have the power to single-handedly boost books into high rankings and gain writers a couple hundred reads, so take that as you will. (Promo)

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✧ My opinion is only one person's opinion. Opinions are personal and even if I personally don't like your book, someone else will. Don't let one person stop you from doing what you love.

✧ You are free to disagree with me, but please remain civil. Have an issue? Bring it to me in dm and we'll discuss it. If I find out you're ranting about me elsewhere, you'll be banned from the book nook and your account will be muted.

✧ I will only be reading as much of a book as I want to read. I will not be a tyrant with this rule. Unless the book is unreadable or dragging on to the point where I'm getting a headache (pls proofread and don't post hour-long chapters on Wattpad ;-;), I will do my best to read at least one chapter. There are books where I meant to read one chapter and I binged the whole book. May the odds be ever in your favor.

✧ Don't bring down other writers. If you think your book is better than theirs and deserved a higher score, keep it to yourself. Ever heard Thumper's mom's advice?

✧ I will only be promoting books above a specific score threshold. This is both to ensure that my followers are hearing about high-quality content, and that I'm giving my best in promoting books I love.

✧ I will read any book, but if the form isn't followed to a T, I will be declining it.

✧ Yes, there will be small payments required. As much as I'd like to do this for free, offering free stuff often draws soggy croutons. If a follow or a shout-out is too much in return for me spending time reading, commenting on, or writing a review about your book, then I'm not keeping you here. All the best finding free reads elsewhere :D

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If you're interested and want to be notified when the book nook is officially active, add this book to your private library! It will be open as soon as I complete all my pending reviews. (Btw, the cover is so cute, isn't it! I have lavendareyes to thank for creating it)

Love ya, bean buns <3
- Miya

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