Joan of ark

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It was that day again. I always remembered it every year. No matter how hard I tried to forget it, I could not. It was like God was trying to tell me something, Even though I did nothing wrong. And there was only one person to blame Angleterra. He was the one to blame he killed her. And he did nothing, he just stood there as they burned her. I hated him, for that and I always will.
I stood up from my chair and went to grab my keys. The only way I could stop thinking of her was by drinking it off.

~Wih England~
It was that day again. Every year I would hide because that Frog bastard would always talk to me about it. He thought it was my fault! Did he really think they would listen to me if I told them not to burn her. They would accuse me of treason and probably sent me away. But he was right I should of least tried. He use to tell me that he would of done the same for me. But like he would. We hate each other he never would have saved someone I loved. If he really would of done that, then why did he take America away from me. I knew one day he would walk away but not like that.
I shook my head.
' No England stop thinking about that bloody frog. Just calm down'
I sat down and grabbed Harry potter and the Order of the Phoenix and started to read.

~With France~
He walked around the streets trying to find a bar. His favorite one was closed so he had to find another one.
"I blame this on Angleterra." he muttered
"This is all his fault." He kept walking, until he finally found a suitable one.
He walked in and sat down on the bar.
"Que puis-je obtenir pour vous?"(1)
The man aske
"Vin" (2) he responded.
The bartender nodded and turned around.
" Ici vous mon ami ne recevez pas trop ivre." (3)
France gave a nod and started to drink.

~~~~~~~Timeskip ~~~~~~~~

~With England~
He frowned as the phone rang, why was someone calling him at 3 in the morning.
He answered.
" Who is it?"
"Is this Angleterra?" A man asked
"Yes this is him. Who is this?"
"It doesn't matter. I have a man who says that you can pick him up. He is complete wasted." He responded
"Okay? Is he okay why does he need me?"
"He is drunk and I asked him if anyone could pick him up, he gave me your phone number, so can you pick him up?"
He asked.
" I am in England. I can not pick him up. Can I talk to him?"
"Sure" He heard some shuffling
"Angleterra, pick me up please"
" I can't pick you up, you frog. I am in England."
"Fine you party pooper, I don't need you."
It stayed quite for a while
"Angleterra, why did you kill her?" England's breath stopped.
"Answer me Angleterra!" He yelled
"France please calm-"
"Calm down?! Why should I! You killed her! I loved her and you killed her! What did she ever do to you! She did nothing!"
I heard sobbing
"France I need you to calm down. Tell me where you are so I can call Paris so-"
"You are a bastard you know. This is why I took America from you, Because you where a horrible person. He didn't need someone like you in his life. Someone who is crazy and alone, because no one loved him. Not his brothers or the others. You are lonely and no one will ever-"
I stoped yelling and gasped. I didn't mean for that to get out.
"YOU LIE! I loved her Angleterra. I would never kill her."
I heard shuffling again.
"Hello. I am sorry for that. Since he won't tell me where he is will you?"
I wrote down the place
"Thank you. A girl with blonde hair will pick him up. Please hand him to her and she will take him home. Thank you."
"No problem."
I hanged up and dialed Paris
After the fourth ring she answered.
"What do you want Angleterra?" she asked with a grumpy voice
"I am sorry to disturb you Paris but I need up to pick up your father. He is stuck at a bar around your house."
"Ugh Papa always does this. Okay tell me the place."
"The Bombardier" I said.
"Of course. Okay I will pick him up. Goodnight Angleterra."
"Goodnight Paris."
He hung up. He started to walk around the room. He had let it out. He had kept that secret for centuries, and he spilled it out just because he had told him all those harsh things. Everyone thought that his people killed her but it was France's people who turned her in and his own people who lit that fire. But he wasn't inocent. No he just watched and do nothing. He did not stop them. So he was also to blame.
But he would never tell France that because he cared for him. He would never tell France that his own people killed her, the love of his life.
Lucky for him he was the only one who knew. He knew that France would forget the next day so he didn't need to worry about him. He would keep this secret because he knew how broken France would be if he found out, and even though he hit him, cussed at him, and insulted him, he still cared for him because he was the only country there for him when he was young.
He sighed and went to bed.

(1) what can I get for you?

(2) Wine.

(3) don't get too drunk my friend.

Hello! I hope the story wasn't to crappy. This might of not been my best work, because it 12:32 a.m. right now so I am kind of sleepy.
I know most of you have heard that the English people burned Joan of Ark, but I have checked with the internet(not wiki) and that a group of French people called the Burgundians captured her and sold her to the English. Also it was the Burgundians that lit the fire. Also, the King of France, (Charles VII) did not even try to rescue Joan or pay a ransom for her return.

If you feel like this is a bull of poop. Please do comment and share your opinions nicely. We are not savages we can discuss this nicely.
(I sound like a 20 year old or something)

I hope you liked this!!
Sorry if the translation is wrong or the commas and periods are in the wrong place. I am mot the best writer.

Peace Hetalians

~ Sassy~

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