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I was once a normal teenager, until I wasn't.. It was January 2nd of 2012, I was only 13 years old when I was diagnosed with a rare and agressive form of brain cancer. They said I only had maybe a few more years to live, but here I am ten years later at 23, cancer free and still strong as ever. Since that day I've always lived my life as if it were my last time seeing the sun, or my last time crawling up under my covers at night.

(December 29, 2021 - 7:37 AM)
I woke up feeling really sick this morning. I managed to convince myself to crawl out of bed, took my medication and started my day.

I work at this little doctors office in Shelby Township, Michigan called 'Shelby Family Care'. I started working here as soon as I moved out of my parents house at the ripe age of 20. Yeah I know what you're thinking.. "why'd you move out if you had everything you needed there?" The answer is very simple.. I wanted my independence back, I didn't want to sit at home all day collecting dust.

(December 29, 2021 - 9:45 AM)
Ugh I'm late for work again. My boss said one more strike and he's gonna fire me. It's like no one understand what I go through on a daily basis.. well maybe they would if I would tell them. You see, I don't like to talk about my diagnosis. For one, it brings back past trauma I just don't want to think about right now.. and for two, I hate the attention it brings me. "Oh do you need to sit down!", "how are you feeling today, if you need anything let me know!"

(December 29, 2021 - 10:00 AM)
I finally made it to work. My boss didn't look happy when I walked through the door. I started my shift by grabbing my clipboard to see who my first patient was. As I'm reading the list of my clients for the day I hear someone shout my name. I turned to see who it was and.. oh my gosh, Valerie!?

For a little context, Valorie was my best friend back in high school. After we graduated we went our separate ways and never really talked again. She's was also the only friend I had ever told about me being sick.

As soon as I see her, a million thought run through my head. "Why is she here?", "Oh gosh I hope she's okay?"

She makes her way towards me. As she approaches, she leans in for a hug. Valerie then goes on to say she's here for her yearly physical exam and didn't know I worked here? What does she mean she didn't know I worked here!? She's the one who helped me apply to get this job!

(December 29, 2021 - 11:32 PM)
Finally made it home after work. Traffic was awful. I walked up to my front door tripping over my porch stair - which is made of concrete by the way. I fell and busted my head open on this stupid little decorative ceramic pot, I just had to buy last summer. I lay there for a minute eventually deciding to collect myself and stand up. Walking inside, I glance over at the TV I accidentally left on all day. Listening to it while putting my bags down I hear a news segment about.. Eminem? That's so weird? I wonder what could've happened? Intrigued, I sit down to watch the channel. "Eminem's home broken into this morning-" What? No way?

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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