Account Hacked

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Rafaella POV.

I was utterly shocked at what i saw on notice board. There must be a mistake. I should ask for recheck.
"I want a recheck for my test." I said to my uncle as soon as i enter his office.
"It's not happening. You can't just walk in my office like this, where are your manners?" He said and stand up from his chair.
"I have a work to do we will talk later now please excuse me." He said and open the door to leave. I followed him outside.
"This is unfair you know this. Iam way better than him. I want recheck of our tests." I said a little loudly and he stopped walking.
"Rafaella don't be ridiculous just work harder next time.You had this minor error because of being so over confident." He said and went to other direction.
I look around the area and than my eyes landed on him. He was wearing red plaid button shirt with black pants. I walked towards him and before I say something he said. "I guess party is in my house tonight. You are definitely invited. "
There is no point of arguing I'll just ignore him. I walked away and left the campus with Jazzy and Sasha.

"Come on Rafaella just chill up it's not like end of the world. It's just the second place."Sasha said.
I have never come anything below first and I can't just accept coming second.
Jazzy increase the volume in her car as the song 'you need to calm down by Taylor swift' played on speakers.
We started singing loudly.
"There is a party this weekend and we are going." Sasha said once the song ended.
"Sure. It will be fun. But i need a favour from you I will come tomorrow at your place." I said.
"Yeah okay." She said and scroll through the playlist for next song.
They drop me by my house.

As I walked into the room Isabella was sitting on her bed and scrolling on her phone. I place my bag on study table and sit on my bed.
"Congratulations on second place for the first time." Isabella said. Second place my foot.
"Uh yeah, now don't get started. I am already not happy about it." I said.
After a while I asked her. "Join us in the party this weekend?"
"I have a date actually." She said nervously.
"With who?" I asked her.
"Ah I can't tell right now." She said while avoiding to look at me. This is suspecious but I chose to ignore.
"Whatever don't tell me. But you can join us after the date if you want." I said and went to take shower. It was one of the worse day of my life.

Wrapping the towel around me i step out of shower room. Turning on the hairdryer button I start drying my hair. Than I heard my cell phone ringing I went in my room to check who it was.

It was a video call from Carter. I accepted it . "Hey.. woah looks like I called you at the right time." Typical him.
"Hey whats up? It's been so long since I saw you." I said.
"Well I am coming back next month." He said with a grin showing his perfect white teeth.
My eyes widened and I smile. " That's wonderful. I cant wait to see you it's been more than 2 years."
He left for his masters degree. We grew up together. He used to live across the street from us but than 2 years ago his father's job transfer to other city and the whole family shifted there. Since then we didn't talk much. We talk for a while and ended the call.
I take out my coca butter lotion and started applying on my legs and hands.
Than I saw Adwin from my window who was staring at me and immediately pull the curtains.
He is so wierd.
I change into my night dress it was already 7 o'clock and I can't wait to go to bed. The day was very much over for me my family went next door for dinner but I didn't nor I wanted to.

I searched for a movie to watch while i waited for the pizza to arrive.

. . .

Adwin POV.

I don't know what I was thinking when I was staring out the window and my eyes landed on Rafaella. Damn shit.
She was in nothing but just a towel around her body that ended mid thigh. She is talking to someone on video call and her eyes light up as if she heard something great. She sure have very good smile and I started feeling something. Something I can't say it nor I understand it.
I dont know how long I was looking at her than she started applying some cream on her thighs and all the way to inner thigh and as I thought I was out of breath I have never seen something so attractive and alluring like this.
Hell I should be in my senses I can't think like this not about her and definitely shouldn't be staring at her. Than her eyes landed on me and I immediately pull the curtains and took a deep breath. How can one be so evil and yet sexy as hell.
I am in big trouble.
. . .

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