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                          "Why are you dressed like you are going to party?" "I AM going to a party." Dean shoots her a questioning look before dragging her out of the room. There was no way he is letting his sixteen year old sister, green in being an actual social teenager and in a town strictly known as the headquarters of the vampire society, go to a party. "With whom? That vampire. This love story is not making me smile. If we are re-creating twilight it's best to kill him now." "You are overreacting ..." "Am not overreacting I can not let you go to a party that might be full of his kind might as well jump in a lake full of sharks." Lectures the blonde annoying Ruby even more. How was she to execute her plans, their plans with him breathing on her neck. She was just trying her best to fake her happy teenage life with classmates that knew nothing more than the facade she plays. "I knew you will do this, Mick, MICK!! Now." The brunette jumps Dean chanting a locking spell that ties Dean to a chair binding him in ropes. Confused the man wiggles around the ropes his face red in anger throwing daggers at both "What is that for?" Mick questions seeing Ruby grab Dean's old sock. "Something for his mouth. We need to get rid of Seth and if this is the only way then I'll gladly jump in the fire. You need to understand that." Pleads Ruby making the tied up blonde roll his eyes looking away from her.

Ten o'clock.
The golden gate opens letting in a yellow Chevrolet parking below the door way stairs. Ding! Dong! The sound loud enough to put a stand still everyone. "He's here already. Mick please get the door for me, I'll be quick." Requests Ruby rushing in her walk in closet. Mick though reluctant as Dean does as his sister sweetly asks. Taking his sweet time to get to the door ignoring the blonde's fast paced shake of head."Well! Well! What do we have here? If it isn't the boy who cried wolf." "Am confused." "You should be, Ruby is a very special girl if you hurt her, We will hurt you." The brunette threatens his voice so low and silky apart from the emphasis on We while tapping the boys shoulder in a harsh manner. Reagan pointing a large silver like knife at his head. "Mick stop scaring my date, go wait for yours to fall from the sky." Despite the adorable warning the brunette  glares at Reagan for a few minutes before walking away. "Your brother is terrifying." "You should meet the other one." Ruby giggles super hearing the struggling Dean fall from his prison to the stair case floor. "Ouch! That must hurt." She laughs enjoying the glare he gives while laying on his side. "We better go before he leaves those ropes.She smiles at her companion opening the door allowing him to see the tied up Dean wriggling so hard and uncomfortably on the floor. "What's that Dean I couldn't hear you over the tape. Be back by 10:00 pm." Mocks Ruby laughing at her hostage as she pulls her date away approaching the yellow Chevrolet awaiting them patiently.

"So what's with the rope?" "He is extremely overprotective, two things will be achieved with that rope. One is to keep him from following us and two to stop him from locking me up in my room." Reagan laughs at the psychotic reasons Ruby lines up then stops noticing her lack of participation. "Oh! You're serious." "Big brothers tend to behave like the mother bear when it comes to small sisters." "I understand where he is coming from except I have one small sister and the other one is older and she is exactly like those two. Family is all we have when you have no one to turn to." They both stay silent in the unmoving vehicle for a while before Reagan stretches his hand out to press the ignition button. "Is that what Derrick is to you?" She inquires turning her body to look at him properly wanting to see the change of his expressions. She needed to get all the information she can about the strange male. "Derrick is my brother we did grow up together when we were little, he was always there. Derrick may be out of control sometimes but he's good people. He is like a soldier bee, protects the hive. Those consist of those he loves and cares for." He smiles stating each word with his cousin's memories in mind. Ruby could feel it all the happiness the joy in his tone of voice. It was the same as how she would speak of her father and Dean of his mother. "Maybe his fears are growing on the fact that he loses people he has been around." Ruby nods in acceptance staying quiet thinking deeply on the many scenery's that Derrick has dug into her mind continuously about his cousin. All those threats made sense, they all made him look like the bad person afraid of loss just like her. "Two sides of coin." A statement that he pondered into her mind.

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