I was running as fast as my legs let me....soon i found out that was my first mistake.
IT can still hear me.
I coudn't make any tipe noise in eny way or IT woud find me...
It's dark... silence is everywhere... I am scared and I don't know where I am or how I got here but I do know that I need to get out as soon as posible.
Chapter 1.
This is a translation of the story for a friend
This story will be translated to CroatianTišina
Trčala sam koliko me noge nosile .............
no ubrzo sam saznala da je to bila moja prva pogreškaJOŠ UVIJEK ME MOŽE ČUTI
Nesmijem napraviti ni najmanji zvuk ili inače če me nači
_______________________________________________________________________________________Mračno je.... tišina je svugdje
Uplašena sam neznam gdije sam ili kako sam dospijela ovdje ali znam da moram naći izlaz što brže moguće.1.Dio