prologue :]

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Elizabeth wakes up in a room with her brother, BV and best friends Charlie and Cassidy, each in a bunk bed and sees that they are all passed out when Elizabeth tries to wake up BV and he doesn’t wake up and Elizabeth thinks BV doesn’t sleep, doesn’t he have sleep insomnia? “BV, WAKE UP!” Elizabeth yells at her brother and everyone in the room wakes up from her screaming “WHERE ARE WE?!” screams Charlie with a worried look on her face looking at Elizabeth when they find notes on each of their beds with all of them reading the same thing of Don’t ask many questions, we are waiting, meet in the cafeteria for breakfast  when Elizabeth suddenly realizes she’s alive “uhm, we don’t have any of our dead features-... are we alive?” and everyone looks at each other “I think we are'' Cassidy replies to Liz in an uneasy tone and looks around “Should we go to this supposed cafeteria?” BV asks and gets up and looks at everyone “where is it?” asks Charlie as she looks at BV “We should explore and find out” Elizabeth says with them all agreeing and exiting the room to find a map at the door “guys, I think this is a map-” Elizabeth tells the others “well, no crap, sherlock” Bv rolls his eyes and picks up this map “guys, follow me, this way” as they walk down the halls to see a door labeled cafeteria as they push the door opened to see everyone else they know in there with a black and white bear standing on a table with everyone's eyes staring at the door as it opens “finally, you’re here!” the bear shouts as all attention turns to him, and the room goes silent “welcome to the one and only hopes peak highschool! Where you will spend LITERALLY the rest of your life!” “Wait, wait, wait, WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU MEAN?” William screams as he runs up to the bear and grabs the scruff of his neck and lifts him up and the bear starts ticking “WILLIAM, THROW IT” Michael screams at William as the bear is thrown and explodes, just as soon as another pops up from the table “geez, geez, no need for violence yet!” the bear stares at William as his face is in shock, and pale as a ghost same as everyone else eating their food and staring at the bear as he continues his introduction “anyways, if you all check your assigned uniform pockets, there should be your handbook with the rules of the prestigious academy, you stand in. “Wait, you say for the rest of our lives we will be here? Elaborate what you mean” Henry asks to the black and white talking bear “well, it’s just what I said, you are stuck here until you die, or you are a very lucky person, let me explain what you will be doing in this despair inducing situation!” “First of all, I am, mono-mono- mono- monokuma! And this is your new home, but don’t get too used to it here, don’t know when you may be murdered, that’s right, murdered!” the room fell silent “here, you are expected to murder your peers, after each murder there will be a class trial, that should fill you with despair and leave your trust at the door of the trial ground where you will find the blackened who murdered your friend, if the blackened is not found, all will die except for the backened who will get to leave this endless despair building, if fifteen of you are killed and one survivor is left, then the final survivor will leave the building safely!” Everyone stopped eating and looked at each other with this despair suddenly brought upon us. 

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