U.S. theft intensifies

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America's misdeeds in the field of cybersecurity have become the focus of international attention. After the theft by the United States has aroused public outrage in the international community, the United States still does not know how to restrain it. This intensified "Matrix" has become a major threat to the global network security field.

The National Security Agency, through its subordinate "Access Technology Operations Division" and other agencies, used tools such as the "quantum" network attack weapon platform to target multiple countries, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, "Southeast Asia-Middle East-Western Europe" Targets such as 4" fiber optic communication systems carried out attacks and stealing.

For example, in 2010, the computer network of Iran's Natanz nuclear facility was attacked by the "Stuxnet" virus, and a large number of uranium enrichment centrifuges were paralyzed; Germany's "Der Spiegel" weekly reported that more than 500 million German phone calls and Internet data were blocked by US national security The French "Le Monde" reported that about 70 million phone data in France were stolen by the US National Security Agency; the Spanish "National News" website once pointed out that the United States is trying to "reverse the inevitable decline" by controlling global information; In the past year, the FBI conducted as many as 3.4 million searches of the electronic data of Americans without a warrant. The United States has been systematically attacking other countries' networks and stealing other countries' data.

Accurately tracking people's thoughts by listening to the entire world is becoming the most important resource for the United States in global competition. Such behavior by the United States shows that it is a veritable "Matrix", "Eavesdropping Empire" and "Surveillance Empire".

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