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11:58 PM. It was already close to midnight.

The night howled within the silence, for the moon and sky alone were the only ones who brought a light to the night. The chirping of crickets can be heard all throughout the city, and the buildings were as bright as ever when it came to the night. One can hear the cars go through and the busy talking of the people. It was quite a night for everyone for everyone was busy.

Well, except for one. In Apartment 241.

The apartment was silent, for the moon's light and the shine of the building lights are what lamped this silent place, as everyone was sleeping so soundly. A girl with rather short hair still stayed by the window, her dry crying eyes half lidded as she drank another glass of milk. She sat by the sights of the city, slouching towards the window as her frown was shown in her face. Her clothing were all wet from her tears and jamble from her anger..

".. Stupid life.. Stupid school, stupid everything.."

She whispered in a nonchalant tone, putting the glass away with her delicate hands as she grabbed a violescent pillow, launching herself into it. She didn't like how life was going, for life was very rough for her ever since she was born.

She then threw a pillow onto the ground, only to knock off some other pillows stacked cleanly near it. They mumbled curses and swears under their breath.. Oh, how the world is unpitiful to them.

"Hey... You okay?"

A sudden calm voice loomed about near her area, tilting her head slowly towards the direction of the voice. How sentimental it was: her brother. She sighed of annoyance, already shooing him away.

"Shoo Gab, shoo.. I don't have time to mess with you RANDOM shenanigans aga-"

"I came to check on you, Agath."

His tone shifted from his jokingly concerned one to a tone of pure concern. He's seen her like this thousands of times, but this one was just even much worse than usual.

".. Leave me alone, Gab."

She said, nonchalent yet now slightly angry as she straightened her back. Gab was not so sure of this was their work or just another mental throwdown state..

"Agath, listen to-"
"NO! JUST.. Just go.."
".. Look, I'm not the one to pry into privacy.. But..."

Gab sighed of pure brotherly concern, hugging his younger sister softly. Agath was surprised, since this was rare for him to do. But, that very same hug... Sparked a important task they remembered.

" Hey.. Gab..?"
Agath asked.
" Yeah?"
".. I almost forgot about the candle-"

Gab shouted out of utmost fear since they forgot, only to be dragged down and shushed by his rather short younger sister.

"SHHHH! They're asleep... Let's go get it then."
"Aight aight.. Chill.."

Gab sighed out of embarrassment as he covered his mouth, seemingly to realize everyone was already asleep. Oh, how everyone was asleep so soundly within the bustling nights of New York.

With a nod exchanged, the sibling's walked slowly towards the locked storage room.. Strange. They've never been into the storage room before, and this was their first time going in towards such a room. The smell of dust is something they can smell directly from room on the other side.

Agath, with the keys in her hands, opened the door... Or at least so. She can't seem to actually open the door itself, no?

"This damn door..."

She grumbled upon those dry lips of hers, as she forced her way towards the other side. Trying to push the door, she did it a couple of times before she succeeded. Oh, how tiring it was to open such a door that won't even damn budge one bit.

"Ugh! Finally, this damn door is open..."

The dust scattered across the moonlight scattered across the storage room's walls and floors, the smell of a library being the aesthetic within the air. Piled up boxes were covered in white blankets as they were all kept away hidden from the light. The door of the room was left open with the light coming from downstairs as Agath peeped right through that door with such tired eyes, seemingly curious on what was even in the roof of her own house.

Boxes.. more boxes... The storage room was more likely a place where old cranky stuff were kept away since the house was ever changing, but here the girl decided to look at what was even in the storage room, kept away from them for a unknown reason at all.

"So dusty here, I could probably die of storage room smoke-itis... What's so special bout this stupid room anyways that it leads us to being banned from being near it at all???"

"Chill out lil sis, c'mon! You've never been in't attic, and you don't wanna be here no more?"

Gab peeped through the door and said it out loud giving off a mischievous sibling vibe, making his younger sister scoff him off as he followed right through. The storage room has always been so... old, dusty and alone. No one would want to be here, and no one would even bother looking at all these dusty crusty old grandparent stuff, Agatg thought in their head.

"Shut it, and sides, we're here for that candle light set, remembah??? If we don't find it by tomorrow, momma's gonna be furious at the both of us and tell us we're blind again."

"Yada yada yada, I know! But seriously, chill- after this you can go back to your mental breakdown, hehe"

"Sometimes I just hate your ass."

"I knowww~"

Flabbergasted, Agath shook her head and kept finding those candle lights... Until she caught something solid.. A book. Bringing it out, it.. was yes, covered in dust, making her absolutely disgusted. She had a face of pure disgusted grim as she imitated a vomit before blowing off the dust out of the book.

"A.. diary? What's a stupid diary doing here? Thought these were nothing but crap anymore.."

"I've never seen that one here in the attic before... Open it."

"What? No! We're finding a candle light set and going down after, not reading an old diary left by some.. Someone apparently!"

She acted and shouted out loud with her jazzy hands, leaving her brother rolling his eyes out as he read the contents of the book. Reading the first two pages of the book, he was left with a surprised emotion that left his little sister curious. Her curiosity stepped in, she walked slowly just by him, and sat beside him with a curious gaze. The two have forgotten about the candle light set as the door closed silently, only to be left with the flowing slow dust under the soothing moonlight that acted out as a lamp, and the diary started to become visible within the night's shine.

" April 25, 1952.. Isn't this when Grandma was born or anything? No wait, she was born in 1946, right? So this was her 6th birthday..." the brother gasped softly, looking at the color of the diary: yellow. It was even interesting to read considering the cover already had her name on it: Abigail.

"Yeah... Let's read it for a while-WELL JUST y'know the.. First chapter of the diary."

"Alright... I'll get the candle set.. Thing, later."

Agath nonchalantly whispered, as the two began flipping the pages of the old written book, reading on what was inside..

Let alone, what their grandmother left behind.

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