The Tiniest Bubble

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Authors Note:  Okay, I'm really sorry if this sucks, but it's something i knocked quickly for my bubble-loving 5 year old sister.  Also, I suck miserably at rhyming.  


Our story today begins with a bubble

A bubble that got itself into some trouble

A bubble that flew to a far away land

A trip that the bubble had really not planned. 

This bubble was special, not like all the others

Not anything close to her sisters and brothers

She was awfully tiny, could sit in your hand

But she felt as though she was terribly bland.

“Look at that bubble!” the other’s would say

As they grew and they floated to a place far away

“She’s quite funny looking, and awfully small

She isn’t like us other bubbles at all!”

The bubble could feel all her colours shrink

Making her seem like a funny-ish pink

The others were making her feel rather sad

Then angry and boisterous, and then very mad!

So the poor little bubble floated away

But then the wind came and knocked her astray

“Help me!” she cried.  “Oh please get me down

If I go any higher I’ll see the whole town!”

The bubble was frightened, the bubble was scared

Oh how she wished she had been more prepared!

All through the tree tops and right down the lane

She went down the valley and over the train

The world became smaller, the people were ants

Big were the birds and small were the plants

The bubble got worried the higher she flew

From her place in the sky she could see the whole zoo!

Then came a noise from not far above

It was not quite the sound that the bubble would love

“Hark!” cried an eagle, all feathered and brown

Oh No! Thought the bubble, Oh please let me down!

The eagle flew closer and turned very large

It spread out its wings and got ready to charge

But then came the wind and it knocked her aside

Into some trees where the bubble could hide

The bubble was happy to hide from the bird

The trees were definitely where she preferred

She could hide from the animals as long as she liked

But then as she floated she nearly got spiked!

The forest of trees was all pointy and scary

The poor little bubble had to be wary

For if she was reckless she could then pop

And down to the ground would the small bubble flop

Carefully through the green trees she flew

Watching as the dark of the large forest grew

“I’ll never get out!” the poor bubble cried

But I can tell you that she really tried

She tried all she could to find a way out

She listened to noises and followed the route

And then she saw it, a small speck of light

The outside world was just a small flight

The brightness got bigger, the scared bubble prayed

That all of her hard work and venture had paid

Closer and closer the small bubble got

Oh the poor thing had been through a lot!

Out of the darkness she happily blundered

“Where am I?” the bubble curiously wondered

“Children are swinging and playing around

Dancing and rolling and digging the ground”

“Why you’ve come to the park!” a happy voice cried

“There’s flowers and sunlight and even a slide.”

The bubble caught sight of what was around

A beautiful place she had finally found!

“Come, play with us” the boy bubble said

“Stay until winter and ride on the sled!”

So many bubbles were floating about

This was for sure a no-bubble drought!

The bubble was happy and rather content

To have some new friends wherever she went

She wasn’t alone and was no longer teased

The bubble was happy, the bubble was pleased.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2011 ⏰

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