8. Office

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( Author's Note - Kevin is a grey character. The positive aspects of his character are negligible against the negative ones when it comes to Rose. He has some dark obsessions over her and I never promised that you guys are going to fall in love with his character eventually. There are so much more yet to be unfolded in this story. Ty )





"I want you pregnant before our first anniversary"

Kevin's deceptive character has again thrown her out of blue. Rose could imagine the worse happening to her but never this. What happened ... had happened but that doesn't mean she is ready to have another baby with him. As a matter of fact, she will never be. She definitely did not want to be with him ever again. He does not treat her as a human being.. being forcibly impregnated that too on the day she just got locked inside this mansion again was too overwhelming for Rose to take in.

Rose is a silent crier. But her being beneath his stature made him sense it all.

"Sleep if you don't want me to fuck you to sleep" Kevin whisper warned her while tucking away the hairs from her face. She closed her eyes almost immediately and moved her face to the side making him chuckle. Such a baby she is! He slowly removed his dick earning a hiss from her and spooned her tightly with his arms around from behind.

Kevin is less worried about an heir and more worried about entangling Rose's life forever with his. He has already done everything to claim her as his.. the only thing that's left is making a baby with her. He never wanted to force a baby on her in the past. But after what she has done, she has earned herself this minimum punishment of getting pregnant whether she is mentally prepared for it or not. Kevin was sure of the fact that she will be more than just welcoming for the baby once she conceives. She is not a person to not welcome or harm her own fetus. It will get her on the right track and strengthen their relationship for eternity.

Also, Kevin can never deny the fact that he needs to have an inheritor of his huge empire sooner or later so why delay when he would have had it already if that unfortunate accident did not occur.

Exhaustion tranquillized her senses and a wide comfort of fulfillment his as the night darkened.


The first thing that came to Rose's mind as soon as she was awake, was the morning-after pill. She wasted no minutes in freshening up and soon after searching for her old medicine box frantically. Even after searching each and every corner of that huge room, she could not find that box. She realised that she was just wasting time like a moron cause it is Kevin, he must have already got rid of all the obstacles that she could use to prevent the unwanted pregnancy. His evil determination was vivid in his voice last night.

Rose knew she will not find anything inside that mansion. So she decided to ask her sister Emilia to get her some pills on her way back home from college. Rose was nervously walking across the room when a maid with a tray of her breakfast came inside the room. Wasting so much time already finding that box, Rose asked the maid to take her to Emilia's room. Kevin can enter this bedroom anytime, so Rose wanted to talk to her sister about these things somewhere else.

She kept hoping that Emilia had not left for her college already while following the maid all the way to the tall black door on the first floor. Rose distinctly remembered this room being Kevin's personal office inside the mansion where only his most trusted men were allowed. May be the inner arrangements of Knight's Mansion changed in her absence.

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