Lover's Chill

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It's getting colder where I live, and all I want is to cuddle with either SenBasa or SW Kojuro, is that too much to ask for!?


Falling asleep to the sound of a flute was not an unwelcome experience for Mei. Since she and Kojuro shared their vows less than three months ago, Mei began making a lot of adjustments to her daily life, ones she didn't allow herself to dream about as a child.

One of which was listening to her husband play the flute on the veranda just outside their shared bed chamber. He always insisted that he was a novice, that none of the melodies he played were worth listening to, even as he played for only her ears. To Mei, however, any note he played sounded as if it came straight from heaven itself; a blessing she didn't know she was allowed to have.

Normally, Mei was quite pleased to listen to her lover play his instrument of choice. Time however, waits for no man, and they no longer lived in the heat of the summer sun. The evening was no longer a temporary break from the sweltering sun, shown by the leaves shedding their summer greens for autumn yellows. Laying alone in bed reminded Mei of how cold her northern home can be, and she longed for the warmth only Kojuro could provide.

Draped in her blanket, Mei slowly walked to the door. She was met with Kojuro's back. If he noticed that Mei was no longer tucked away in bed, he didn't show it and continued playing.

"My Lord, it is quite cold out tonight. Perhaps it is time to retire for the evening."

Kojuro stopped playing, and lowered his flute. He turned around and faced his lovely wife. He was more accustomed to Oshu's harsher climates, unlike Mei. It was no surprise that she would be freezing while all he felt was a bit of a chill.

"My apologies, Mei." Kojuro stood up and walked over to his beloved "Had I known you were cold, I would have retired earlier."

"I was not cold, my Lord." Mei looked away, her cheeks flushing, and this time it wasn't because of the autumn chill. "I was simply worried about you."

Kojuro chuckled to himself. "Of course, my love."

Kojuro stepped inside their bed chambers, and Mei was not far behind. In the time he spent putting his flute away and changing into his night clothes, Mei had already crawled back into bed. She sat patiently waiting for him to finish his tasks.

Kojuro soon joined her under the covers, and Mei laid down with him.

"Are you warmer now, Mei?"

"I told you Lord Kagetsuna, I was not cold." Mei lied. Kojuro only sighed, giving in to his wife's childish antics. It was cute, in a way, watching her behave in a way that belied her caring nature. Or perhaps, she was just cute. He grabbed Mei by the waist and pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"Then I hope you won't get too hot while we sleep tonight. Since you weren't cold, of course."

Mei smiled and snuggled closer to Kojuro, a content hum making its way from her lips as his warmth enveloped her, erasing the chill she had felt before. Kojuro gently kissed the crown of her head.

"Not if it is your arms I am wrapped in, my love."


For those not in the know, Kojuro is the common name held by the head of the Katakura clan. The Kojuro we usually see hanging out and watching over Masamune is Katakura Kagetsuna.

You can usually tell what stage of Mei and Kojuro's relationship is depending on what she calls him. If it's super early on, like when Mei first joins the Date, she refers to him as "Lord Katakura". Once the ice has melted and the two begin warming up to one another, it's "Lord Kojuro" and once they have admitted their feelings, or have gotten married, it's "Lord Kagetsuna"

Mei's family is originally from Omi, and Mei's younger brother Muneyuki joined Nagamasa's army and perished during the revolt held by the Asakura. Shortly afterword's, Mei's family packed up shop and began traveling, stopping in towns for a short while to help out when needed, and didn't stop until Mei had found a job with Masamune when they stopped in Oshu. I did a lot of timeline condensing when forming the Fanon revolving around Mei. I believe Masamune was about 6 years old when Nagamasa died, and Mei is only a year older than him, so there was no way Muneyuki would have been able to join the military at such a young age. It's my Fanon though, so I get to mess around with the timeline as much as I want!

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