6 // Desire and Fear, Part 2

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Is it wrong to corrupt someone so innocent?

The rhetorical question runs on repeat inside Knox's head as he raises a hand to Everett's face, lightly dragging his thumb across the boy's bottom lip.

A kiss or two won't be so bad, will it? Hell, as hard as he is right now, Knox will happily settle for a handjob at the very least.

"Keep going, huh?" Knox casually throws Everett's words back at him. Then, ever so slowly, he pushes his thumb inside the boy's hot mouth. "The thoughts running through my mind as I'm looking at you..." Everett moans and sucks on instinct. "You should know I'm barely holding back."

Everett is also hanging on by a thread.

It shows from the dazed look in his eyes and how his tongue continues to swirl around Knox's thumb. He's a seductive little brat, and he's fully aware of it. After a few more seconds of teasing, Everett pulls Knox's thumb out of his mouth to speak.

"I never asked you to hold back."

"You should."

"But I won't, so take me to bed."

Knox cups Everett's face with one hand, the other resting firmly on his hip, while leaning down to rid the space between them. He swipes his tongue across Everett's bottom lip before declaring, "I'm fucking you if we touch that bed."

"Oh, God..." Everett's voice catches.

"You sure you're ready for that?" Knox's grey eyes darken a shade, excitement lighting his insides on fire. "Because I don't think you're ready for something like that. If I'm being completely honest, I don't think you can even handle a man like me."

"You'll never know until you test me." Everett boldly strokes Knox's erection from the outside of his jeans, sending another spike of desire rushing throughout both their bodies. "So fucking test me."

"Careful what you wish for, kitten." Knox finally makes a move to kiss the boy, his hand lowering until his fingers are gripping Everett's neck. Their lips touch for less than a second before Everett's cell phone starts ringing.

From the way his eyes widen, be it out of shock or fear, the ringtone appears to belong to someone important. He quickly comes back down to earth and pushes Knox away from him to answer the call.

"What the hell just happened?" Knox mutters to himself, scratching the back of his neck in confusion.

When he finds the will to move again, he readjusts his aching cock and takes a seat at Everett's desk. He busies himself by skimming through a romance novel that was collecting dust beside the keyboard, though every so often his eyes will drift to the closed bathroom door that Everett disappeared behind.

'Dad' was one word Knox could clearly make out from Everett's not-so-hushed conversation.

Minutes later, Everett steps back into the room with an entirely different energy. His freckled cheeks are no longer tinted pink, and he holds his head high as he walks toward Knox. They lock eyes and fall deeply into each other's gazes, figurative fireworks going off all around them.

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