𝖻𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗄 𝗎𝗉

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corazon's break up with taeyong wasn't easy.

corazon had always envisioned herself getting married to him, she really thought he was the one. this was different from her relationship with jaebeom. she didn't feel any of this with jaebeom.

the fans think taeyong and corazon broke up due to busy schedules, but that's just half of the truth. corazon saw how much the fans loved their relationship as much as she did so she never revealed the truth about them. she was fine with the small image the fans had about her and taeyong.

taeyong was an amazing boyfriend at the beginning of their relationship, but as time passed he began loosing feelings for the girl. taeyong didn't want corazon to notice, but unfortunately she did.

the real reason she broke up with taeyong was because he was the one who was always busy. yeah corazon was busy, but not to taeyong's point.

if corazon had a day off she would always want to spend it with taeyong. she would even move somethings in her schedule to be spend time with him.

taeyong on the other hand never did that for her. he would always rather work even more on his free time rather than with her.

taeyong began treating corazon as a friend.

if she was leaning in for a kiss he would pretend to not notice and move a different way. if corazon wanted to hug him, they'd do it for like two seconds before he said he needed to use the restroom. taeyong would even try to avoid cuddling with her.

everyone told corazon to leave him because he wasn't good to her, but corazon never listened. she would always make excuses for him.

the only time he was every really affectionate with her was at the beginning of their relationship, when they were in public, and if they were doing a live together. this is probably why she would see past everything else.

sometimes taeyong would call her to tell her he would be sleeping the night over at her apartment which would get corazon really excited and fill her with hope that their relationship would get better. she would only be disappointed in the end when he never showed up.

corazon would stay up thinking he was just late because of practice or something, but after a few hours she would begin crying which made her fall asleep. she'd wake up at with a small text from him.

boyfriend 🤍
sorry, after practice our manager wanted
to take us out to dinner and the members
got pretty drunk so i had to help take them
to the dorm. i didn't go to yours because
i assumed you were already asleep since it
was pretty late. i'm sorry darling.
read 9:23

corazon would be in a sad mood after this. her members noticed and they always tried telling her that she should break up with him since he wasn't good for her. she always nodded and said she would, but didn't.

the day that corazon had decided to finally end things with him was because she noticed that she was becoming like her old self. she was beginning to eat less, cry herself to sleep every night, use concealer every day to cover her dark circles. corazon promised herself she would never be that person again, but because of taeyong she was becoming her teen self again.

lucia drove herself to the 127 dorm late at night. she needed to do this while she had the urge to do it because she knew once that urge went away she wouldn't end up doing it.

lucia knocked on the their door after she was let in by security.

johnny opened it and was shocked to see her. she was never over at their place this late. it was currently 1:00AM.

"where's taeyong?" she asked him. "in his room." johnny knew why she was here. lucia had texted him before hand to make sure he was at the dorm.

lucia nodded and headed to his room. she knocked once again. taeyong opened it to see her.

"luci? what are you doing here?"
"can i come in?"

lucia sat on his bed and taeyong in his spinning chair, right across from her.

"we should break up." lucia blurted out. it would be a lie of taeyong said he didn't see this coming. "why?" lucia chuckled dryly at his question.

"taeyong, you don't love me. every time we're together you treat me like i'm your friend and not your girlfriend you've been dating for a year now. you even forgot our anniversary a few days ago. taeyong, you make me feel like shit. you make feel disgusted with myself. every time i try to show one ounce of affection towards you, you always avoid it. i even changed myself for you. i hate myself for that. we should just end our relationship. maybe we could be friends in the future, but i'm not sure."

"i'm sorry" was all taeyong could say. lucia just nodded her head as she headed out.

corazon was driving home. she wasn't crying, she felt oddly calm. but she knew once she was in her apartment, laying in bed alone with her thoughts, that's when everything would hit.

corazon would never admit, but this is why she was so scared to commit to a relationship with jungkook. she was so scared that jungkook would end up to treating her the same way taeyong did.

(a/n) hope you guys like this! sorry it took a while for me to upload 😭

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