Chapter 1

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Dream: A series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.




"Hello! Where am I?"


The girl looked around wondering where she was. Frantically running around the endless darkness.

"Please help me, I'm scared!" She cried out.


"I'm sorry I don't know what's happening! Please!"

Whispers sounded out bouncing around loudly making the girl hold her head in pain.

"You're disgusting."

Her eyes widened. She had never heard a voice like she has now, the voice rumbled through her body making her mind dizzy.

"What? Who are you, what did I do!" Tears spilled out not understanding what was happening.

Everything felt so different for the poor girl it all felt so... Real


The girl felt the dizziness in her mind increase until she fell on the floor clutching her head in a tight embrace screaming out until her mind went numb.


Mumbles surrounded me as I tried to focus on what was going on around me, but I was still so shocked. What the hell happened in my dream. Why did it feel all so real? Why did I feel so weird when the voice spoke? First of all, why did I get called disgusting? I've never done anything that bad to be called disgusting, I mean maybe some of my food combinations I eat are a little nasty... But! That wouldn't even matter because how would the people in my dream or thing whatever that voice was even know what the hell I ate or didn't! I got woken up from my trance by my friend Samantha. 

"Girl! Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" She questioned and I quickly nodded my head giving my best smile "Of course I did... Why would you think that?" I said she stared at me obviously not believing me. "Ok, if you say so." She rolled her eyes as I smiled again, sweat coming down my forehead, thank God, she somewhat believed me she was scary when she was mad.

"Anyways I really think we could work out if he has a big dick!" She happily stated, "We could be like Milo and Otis!" I looked at her and scoffed "Yeah, Milo and Otis didn't fuck though?" I stated shoving her foot with mine. Her obsession with 'finding the right dick as she says will always haunt me. I swear she's gone on so many dates I couldn't even count how many. It might be because of her looks, I can admit she is pretty with her Long blonde hair, bangs and bright brown eyes with a body like a goddess she could pull about any guy. 

She's tried to even get me a date. 

Me! Of course, I don't think I'm ugly but I'm a little fugly just a tad bit. Unlike Samantha I don't have long blonde hair or curves. No, I have black hair that's really curly for no reason! I hate it, my eyes are a dark brown adding no color to my face and I have a really flat ass apparently from what Samantha says. So, I guess you could say I was surprised when she tried to get me a guy to go on a date with.     

I've told her many times I'm not into guys, they're just a ick in my opinion.

But now with her new boy toy Hunter one of the football guys here, she thinks their soulmates, which I know won't last long. "Well, I'm making a remake." She got cut off by loud chatter when people started flooding out the classroom, I had completely forgotten I was still in.

Sighing finally being able to be free as it was my last class of the day, I hugged Samantha wishing her luck with Hunter. Walking out the classroom my mind wondered back to the dream I had earlier. I still had no clue what it was about or why I felt so different in it?

I wonder if it had to do with the fact of how stressed I've been over the past month preparing for SET tests coming up that my mind wanted to try and make things harder for me. Now I have a splitting headache, I felt it would be worse once I got home not ready to face my parents just yet. Speaking of home, it's been apparent to me that being 23 and still living with your parents is not something to brag about. Honestly something that's really fucking embarrassing!

Everything about not having my own privacy to having to share a bathroom with my older brother who never could grow a pair and leave the house even though he always begged even pleaded to leave but never actually doing so said a lot about his priorities.

Trapped between the confinements of what was supposed to be a place where I was supposed to be loved and cared for turned out to be a place where the love was fake, suffocating even even death gripping for me, but yet I still had to put up with it knowing sooner or later I could save up enough money to leave.

My dream which I oh so wanted was to not  having to care about the things they put in my head along with whatever bullshit they told me.

Which frankly was a lot.

Everyday coming home from college was a nightmare waiting to happen if I said something wrong or did something wrong, they would act all loving saying how if  my day was, if I ate good anything they could come up within the book. 

Even if I had a good day did everything right, they would come up with some bullshit saying shit that wasn't even true.

like how they deemed I acted stupid when I talked to them, opened the door wrong, walked to hard would all but set them off and explode all over me. Coming in the house was like going into a room filled with bombs, if I made a wrong move, I would blow up a gruesome death that had no escape.       

Only metaphorically of course.

I think.



I'm back! I know a huge surprise it's been so long  it's crazy, I just wanted to let y'all know that this book is just for fun and I honestly probably wont continue this but who knows? Anyways have a good day and happy early Easter!  

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