Episode #1; The start of it all

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Third person POV;
A smaller Peyton with long hair would sit still and look in the mirror. They would only let their sister brush their hair, so that's what she had been doing. Paige was enjoying the quiet time she had with her sibling, but wanted to chat, so she decided to bring up some random topics.
"How was school, Peyton?" She asked. "It was good! I got on the sports team." Peyton smiled and tapped their feet on the ground. "That's great! Maybe you could get a scholarship if you get super good. Only if you want to, of course." "That's my goal! I don't want to make you pay my tuition for highschool or college sis."
Paige continued to brush Peyton's hair until all the tangles were out. "Your hair is so nice, Peyton. You need to learn to brush it yourself soon." "I know how, it just feels better when you do it!" They got off their stool and pushed it in the open space under their vanity.
Paige gave Peyton a kiss on the forehead. "I'm going to make dinner now, we have some guests coming over, so try to be nice okay?" Peyton saluted, "Ma'am yes ma'am!" To which they both chuckled.


Peyton looked out of the window, watching the storm outside. After zoning out and remembering bits of their childhood with Paige, they started to worry even more. "Weren't you supposed to be home around three..?" They asked, looking out at the navy sky. Dissapointed as Peyton was, they had to hope for the best. Even if their older sister had been away for a couple years, Peyton was still nervous waiting for their sister. Every day they had become more anxious, but that was besides the point.
Instead of waiting around, they decided to prepare dinner. They went over to the kitchen and started to cook up some fettuccine. (YOU MADE ME DROP MY FUCKING FETTUCCINE!!!) After a while of waiting, cooking, etc, they had eaten their portion of pasta. Seeing as they were a bit tired, Peyton went to bed, hoping Paige would be there in the morning.


They were growing extremely worried. Paige hadn't come home yet, and it had been a few days at this point. Peyton was contemplating on filing a missing persons report at this point. They decided to calm down and flick on the TV for a few minutes, before deciding.
When they turned on the TV, the news was on. Peyton saw something extremely unexpected.
Six missing people, all of them would be Paige's work colleagues. Most important of all, Paige was missing aswell. Nobody had seen any of them, for the past couple years.
Peyton turned off the tv and panicked. On instinct, they grabbed a backpack they always kept in case of emergency, This WAS an emergency to them. They grabbed their car keys, and hopped in their car, not even bothering to remember to put on their favorite tennis shoes. Starting the car, they sped off on their way to the address of where their sister last was.

Hours later, and a few stops to use extra gas cannisters, their map malfunctioned. They drove into a weird sort of area. As the world glitched around Peyton, they got more and more concerned. Not giving up they decided to speed up, as there wasn't any traffic in sight. Absolutely none.
There wasn't really anything around, at least not for a while. Suddenly, Peyton's car stopped. They pulled the key out of the ignition and went to dig through their trunk. No luck, they used up all the gas. Taking their bag out of the car, they stuffed their keys in and started walking. Maybe, just maybe they'd find something here.

What seemed like ages of walking somewhat paid off for them when they saw a pink house. What if this was the TV set Paige worked in? It did have a similar setup. Well, there was no time to waste, Peyton went to the door. Before they could even knock a trap door opened up beneath them, causing them to fall in.

(Cliffhanger, because I'm an evil bitch with nothing better to do.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's short but somehow took me a lot of effort.
Don't worry! Peyton is.. fine.)

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